The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



The regular messages from Jeremy Williams continue to show up in his friends’ email inbox, reminders that for all that ALS has stolen from him, it can’t silence him.

It has been a decade now since Williams, head football coach at Greenville High at the time, was diagnosed with the degenerati­ve, fatal condition. Today, he and his family continue the stubborn struggle against so-called Lou Gehrig’s disease as it has left him fairly motionless, dependent upon a machine to breathe and a tube for his nourishmen­t.

Communicat­ing through an eye-gaze system — in which he directs a laser over a keyboard with the slight movement of his eyes — Williams, 45, is able to free some of his trapped thoughts. With the device, he is able to interact in the regular Bible study at his home and even help train his daughter, a high school volleyball player.

And he still can send out the spiritual emails that continue to confirm that despite everything, Williams has kept the faith.

Here was one of the most recent:

“When it comes to facing Satan, the question is not if but when. If you are under attack today, Satan feels he needs to stop you. G Campbell Morgan said, ‘Let our response to persecutio­n, injustice, or unfairness to be always Christ like. If you have no opposition in the place that you serve, you are serving in the wrong place’. Well are you under attack or on easy street? That will determine if you are where God wants &needs you!! Love ya jeremy”

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