The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



In the 2017 Bermuda Bowl final, United States vs. France, the thousands of spectators on the internet may have wondered if anyone wanted to win. Errors abounded, no doubt a product of fatigue.

When France sat NorthSouth in today’s deal, the U.S West attempted a penalty double of three spades. East could have had more for his opening bid. Still, the double stood to lose a lot and gain only a little.

West led a heart. Declarer won and led a club, and East took the ace and led a trump: three, jack, deuce. When West shifted to the jack of diamonds, South took the A-Q, ruffed a heart, ruffed a club and led a third heart.

West ruffed in with his queen of trumps and took the ace, but South had the rest. Making three, plus 530 and a swing to France.

I suppose it’s wrong to fault West’s double since he had more than one chance to beat three spades. (For one, he could refuse to ruff on the third heart lead.) But doubling expert opponents into game is risky business.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ 9 ♥ KQJ975◆ 652 ♣ A 8 4. Neither side vulnerable. The dealer, at your right, passes. East in today’s deal opened one heart. Do you agree?

ANSWER: East thought his hand had too much playing strength and defense to open two hearts, weak. Indeed, many experts would open two hearts with a much weaker hand. There is no correct action, only a matter of sticking to your style. To me, the hand looks like a sound weak two-bid.

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