The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



At the 2017 World Championsh­ips, the United States won the gold medals in the Senior Teams, defeating Italy in a close final.

In today’s deal, Mike Becker defended well to beat a game made at the other table. Against four spades, Becker led the queen of hearts. Declarer took dummy’s ace and cashed the Q-A of trumps. When East discarded, South couldn’t afford to draw trumps; he led the 10 of clubs next.

Becker ignored “second hand low.” He rose with the ace and led the jack of hearts, and East overtook with the king and led the 10. Declarer ruffed high, and Becker pitched a club. South still couldn’t draw trumps, and when he led a second club, East won and gave West a club ruff.

At double dummy, South can succeed by ducking the first heart or by taking the ace and cashing three diamonds to pitch a heart from dummy. He succeeds anyway if West fails to play the ace on the first club, preserving East’s entry.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ AK83 ♥ 95 ◆ A Q63 ♣ Q 10 5. The dealer, at your right, opens two hearts (a weak two-bid). You double, and your partner jumps to three spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: This case is close. Partner’s response invites game. Your double promised a bit more than opening values and support for the unbid suits, especially spades. Since you have a high-card minimum and two heart losers, pass. If vulnerable with more to gain, you might raise.

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