The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



Cy the Cynic is a confirmed procrastin­ator. When I asked Cy to write down his top-10 list of reasons for procrastin­ating, he produced this: 10.

Cy’s tendency to delay often pays off when he is declarer at a suit contract and must decide when to draw trumps. When the Cynic played today’s four spades in a team match, West led the king of diamonds. Cy took the ace and correctly did not draw any trumps: He led a heart to his king at Trick Two.

West took the ace, cashed the queen of diamonds and led the 10. The Cynic ruffed, led a club to dummy, returned a second heart to his queen and conceded the third heart.

East showed out, but Cy ruffed West’s heart return with dummy’s king of trumps and took the rest. Making four.

At the other table, South did less well at the same contract. He took the ace of diamonds, but next he drew trumps and led a heart to his king. As the cards lay, he had to lose three hearts and a diamond.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ K105 ♥ 853 ◆ A 54 ♣ A K 7 2. The dealer, at your right, opens one heart. What do you say?

ANSWER: This is a matter of personal style. The hand is good for defense, not so good for offense because the pattern is flat. Some experts would pass. But with no wasted heart honors (better for defense), others would double. If the opening bid had been one spade, I would pass. Over one heart, I can accept either a pass or a double.

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