The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



After a duplicate game at my club, a husband-wife pair stalked into the lounge.

“We need you to settle an argument,” the husband told me.

“I’m not arguing,” the wife sniffed. “I’m just explaining to him why I’m right and he’s wrong.”

On that amicable note, I listened to the facts. Against 3NT, husband led a low diamond: three, jack, queen. Declarer cashed three heart tricks, and husband threw a spade. Next, South took the ace of clubs and led to his jack. Husband’s queen won.

“At that point,” he told me, “I led a low spade. Declarer took the king and had nine tricks.”

“Leading a second diamond was your only chance,” wife huffed.

“I was afraid dummy’s 10 would win,” husband said.

South showed four spades in the bidding, and the play marks him with three hearts and four clubs. So South must have only two diamonds. West should have led a second diamond at Trick Seven. Sorry, husband.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ A93 ♥ 65 ◆ K9 864 ♣ Q 9 4. Your partner opens one heart, you respond 1NT and he bids two spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner has “reversed” the usual order of showing two long suits — higher-ranking first — and so promises extra strength. Depending on your style, he may have enough to force to game. Your values are maximum. Bid 2NT. Partner will almost surely bid again.

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