The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



The player we call Secondhand Rose was at my club today. When the lesson about “second hand low” on defense was taught, Rose must have been out with Jiggs the plumber.

Rose was East, and West led a low heart against 3NT; dummy’s queen won. At the second trick, declarer led a diamond from dummy, and Secondhand Rose ... with the ace!

Rose returned a heart, and West ducked South’s jack to keep communicat­ion. South had only two tricks in each suit. His best try would have been to exit with his last heart, letting West run the hearts: East could be squeezed in the minors. But South finessed in clubs next, and Rose won and led her last heart for down one.

South would make 3NT if Rose played low on the first diamond. After South took the king, he would shift to clubs to win four clubs and nine tricks in all.

When your partner leads from a long suit against notrump, win a trick quickly so you can return his lead. Set up his suit while he retains an entry.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ K873 ♥ Q7 ◆ 8 2 ♣ A K 10 7 3. The dealer, at your left, opens one diamond. Your partner doubles, and the next player bids two diamonds. What do you say?

ANSWER: You should have a game; partner promises opening values or more with support for any unbid suit. Your correct action is a cue bid of three diamonds. If partner next bids 3NT, pass. If he bids three hearts, try three spades.

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