The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



Wednesday, April 25. It was warm in Los Angeles. We were working the daywatch out of Bunco. The boss is Captain Stewart. My partner’s Bill Gannon. He’s a good player. My name’s Friday.

We got a call about a scam at a Ventura club. We checked it out. The suspect was still playing. One of his opponents spoke with us. “It was terrible, officer.” “Just the facts, ma’am.” “I led the king of spades against South’s slam. He took dummy’s ace and cashed the A-K of trumps. He next led a club to dummy, returned a diamond to his queen, took the ace and led the jack.

“I thought South had finessed in diamonds, and my partner had the king, so I discarded. South threw a spade from dummy and produced the king of diamonds! I ruffed, but dummy’s last spade went away. South is a con artist. Cuff him!”

We let South off and arrested West. South had nothing to lose by trying his ruse, but West shouldn’t have been fooled. She must ruff the third diamond to cash the setting trick.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ KQ76 ♥ Q62

◆ 75 ♣ J 8 7 3. Your partner opens one heart. The next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: The correct call is two hearts, confirming a trump suit and limiting the strength. If instead you bid one spade and partner next bid two diamonds, a return to two hearts would suggest a doubleton heart, and he might misjudge your potential.

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