The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



“Simple Saturday” columns focus on improving basic technique.

As a defender, survey the dummy and decide how declarer will use its assets. Dummy may have a strong suit that threatens to provide discards. It may have ruffing power. It may have nothing, indicating “passive” defense.

Against today’s four hearts, West led the queen of spades, winning. He next led the ace of clubs and then the queen. South ruffed and led a diamond: deuce, jack, ace. East led another club, and South ruffed, cashed the king of diamonds and ruffed his last low diamond with the jack of trumps. He drew trumps and had 10 tricks.

The defense went amiss. West knows declarer can’t use dummy’s spades. The only possible source of a trick is a diamond ruff, so at Trick Two West should lead a trump.

Then, when South leads a diamond to the jack and ace, East leads a second trump. South must lose a second diamond plus a spade and a club.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ A95 ♥ 854 ◆ A 1093 ♣ 5 3 2. The dealer, at your left, opens one club. Your partner doubles, you bid one diamond and he next bids one spade. What do you say?

ANSWER: If partner had a minimum opening bid plus a spade suit, he would have overcalled one spade. By doubling before bidding his suit, he promises extra strength: 17 or more points. If you trust him, jump to three spades. You have two aces when you might have held nothing.

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