The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



“Simple Saturday” columns focus on improving basic technique and developing logical thinking.

It’s a bad idea to press your luck; you might pop it. Before you take a “free” finesse, count the possible cost. In today’s deal, NorthSouth bid to 3NT, and West led a low heart.

South saw that he had been given a free finesse. He played dummy’s 10, expecting it to win. But East covered with the queen, and South saw too late that his luck was popped. He took the ace and led a club to the king, winning.

West won the next club and led another heart, and South’s hand was stone dead. He managed three heart tricks, two spades, a club and two diamonds: down one.

Clearly, declarer must preserve an entry to his long clubs after they are set up. He wins the first heart with dummy’s king and leads the king and a second club. When West wins, he can lead a second heart or shift to the 10 of spades, but South will have 10 tricks.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ AJ742 ♥ KJ10

◆ AK6 ♣ K 3. You open one spade, and your partner bids two hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: Since partner promises at least 10 points and five or more hearts, slam is likely. A raise to three hearts would be fine if you knew partner wouldn’t pass; you could bid more later. Rather than take a chance on that, bid three diamonds, a strengthsh­owing action. After you hear partner’s next bid, you may be able to place the contract.

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