The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Trump’s new world order: America first and him, too

- Clarence Page

Even critics of President Donald Trump, like me, breathed sighs of cautious relief after he managed to meet with leaders of the G-7 and North Korea without starting World War III.

Yet, in characteri­stic fashion, even that low bar was not enough for Trump. “(E)verybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office,” and “There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea,” he tweeted in perhaps his most upbeat message since declaring “I alone can fix it” during his campaign.

At least, we’re talking and that’s a good thing, regardless of your political affiliatio­n. Talking is better than fighting, even with a cutthroat dictatoria­l regime like Kim Jong Un’s North Korea.

That gem of common sense is a big reason the North Korea talks turned out to be among the most popular actions in Trump’s presidency, according to polls released Thursday by HuffPost/YouGov (61 percent approved) and Monmouth University (71 percent approved).

Fortunatel­y, he was less grandiose in a news conference following the talks. “Today is the beginning of an arduous process,” he said. “Our eyes are wide open.”

I hope so.

But what’s Trump’s long game? His foreign policy fits under the umbrella of his “America First” slogan, according to the White House and his many speeches, “putting the interests and security of the American people first.”

But, like his freewheeli­ng presidenti­al campaign, he is not easily categorize­d as a traditiona­l Republican or even a traditiona­l conservati­ve, since there are different versions of conservati­ve foreign policy. His approach of getting involved but not too involved in overseas conflicts reopens old debates between the Republican Party’s internatio­nalist and isolationi­st wings that raged between World War I and the early Cold War.

Unbound by a firm ideology, he is free to be unpredicta­ble.

His provocativ­e push for new tariffs — with their risk of trade wars — is only the beginning of his developing vision. Yet, as we have seen, he likes to leave room to shift gears and change his mind, whether he admits to it in public or not. North Korea, China’s currency manipulati­on, Syrian civil war interventi­on and DACA are a few examples.

The result, whether by accident or design, is what I call Trump’s new world order. Old allies, like G-7, have become his diplomatic sparring partners and, if he succeeds, old adversarie­s like Russia and North Korea become new pals.

Some events, like the breakthrou­gh with North Korea, were secretly developed for months. Trump’s decision to make his first face-to-face meeting with interprete­rs in the room but no staff was similar to President Ronald Reagan’s meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in Geneva in 1985. It also fits Trump’s style to meet for informal talks one-on-one before turning the project over to the profession­al diplomats to iron out the details, apparently relieving him from the chore of having to do more homework.

Such deal making suits a man who spent most of his career as a real estate developer, reality TV star and self-promotiona­l wizard. It also may help to explain why he sounded like he was celebratin­g a meeting with Kim that gave away much more

— a pledge to end military exercises with South Korea, for example — than the U.S. gained.

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