The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Longtime employee excluded from reception

- Judith Martin

Dear Miss Manners:

I have been working for averys mall family company as a receptioni­st for nine years now. Their daughter, whom I saw grow up, just got married. However, I am still irking over what they did to me.

I was invited to the bacheloret­te party, where I brought a gift, of course. I was invited to the wedding and to the general cake reception.

I was told that the full reception, to be held later that night, was for close friends and family only, so I was not invited to that.

I was asked to pick up, set up and serve cake for the general cake reception, which I did, and once I cleaned up everything, I went my jolly way home.

Later that night, I see the videos posted on social media by everyone from the full reception, and it was huge! Everyone was there. All the employees of the company, and even one that only started working there three months ago!

I am still irking about that and I am considerin­g quitting because I feel like a complete, unapprecia­ted fool. Or should I let this go? Am I being envious and too petty because I did not get invited to the full reception?

Gentle Reader: “I enjoyed your daughter’s wedding so much that I am happy to waive any overtime I accrued for working at it. I hope that she will also enjoy the silver vase I sent.”

If the family does not have the good grace to be embarrasse­d by this, Miss Manners hopes that they will at least hesitate before posting their next party on social media.

Dear Miss Manners: Is it acceptable polite behavior to ball up a paper napkin and put it in your dirty plate when you’re done eating?

Gentle Reader: As opposed to pocketing it for later? While cloth napkins should be placed to the side of one’s plate once used, paper ones are meant to be disposed of. And Miss Manners finds a dirty plate more acceptable for that than a clean hand. Send questions to

Miss Manners at www. missmanner­; dearmissma­; or Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndicatio­n, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.

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