The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Facing new Russian hacking, senators appear ready to act

- Nicholas Fandos and Catie Edmondson ©2018 The New York Times

WASHINGTON — Faced with new evidence that Russian hackers are targeting conservati­ve U.S. research groups and the Senate’s own web pages, key lawmakers from both parties signaled on Tuesday that they were ready to move forward with punishing new sanctions legislatio­n capable of crippling the Russian economy.

And in three separate hearings on Capitol Hill, senators prodded the administra­tion to do more with its existing authoritie­s to deter Russia and protect U.S. political infrastruc­ture.

“Congress is going to act; you might as well know that,” Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., predicted in a meeting of the Banking Committee, which oversees sanctions law. “I’d rather it act in a way that has your insights about what would be helpful, but if you fail to provide insights, then we will provide you with a law that ultimately takes place without your insights.”

Administra­tion officials aggressive­ly pushed back and argued that the current sanctions regime provided all the authority they need, and they dismissed concerns that Pres- ident Donald Trump’s equivocati­on on questions of Russian interferen­ce had harmed their efforts.

“If you look at the wide range of activities that this administra­tion has under- taken under the direction of the president, including the very significan­t sanctions that we have been able to launch, including the expulsion of 60 Russians out of our country, including the closing of Rus- sian entities in the United States, what Russia sees is a United States that is very aggressive­ly targeting malign activity,” Sigal P. Mandelker, a senior Treasury Department official, told the Senate Bank- ing Committee.

The expulsions were part of a coordinate­d campaign by Western allies to punish Russia for the nerve-gas poison- ing of a former Russian spy and his daughter, not for election interferen­ce. And many of the sanctions came from legislatio­n passed with veto- proof majorities in Congress and signed reluctantl­y by the president.

Senators questioned the effectiven­ess of sanctions passed overwhelmi­ngly last year to target Russia’s defense and intelligen­ce sectors and tried to solicit input from the officials on how to proceed. And with the latest targets being conservati­ve groups, concern could spread.

Congress and the Trump administra­tion are both positioned to ratchet up pressure, said Sen. Mike Crapo of Idaho, the Republican chairman of the Senate Banking Commit- tee, which holds jurisdicti­on over sanctions law.

“It’s not often that Congress acts together in such a strong manner, as marked by such near-unanimous votes” last year, he said. “But, then, Russia is a menace on so many dif- ferent levels today that Congress can be compelled to act with a single voice to find solu- tions that will protect America and democratic values across the world.”

Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio, the committee’s top Democrat, was more forceful, calling the latest denial by the Kremlin “nonsense” and insisting that Trump do the same.

“Our government — the president and Congress together — must right now send a more powerful and direct message to Putin and those within his circles: We know what you’re doing, it must stop, and if you con- tinue, you and your government will pay a dear price,” he said. He expressed optimism that the panel would work in a bipartisan way to layer on new sanctions authoritie­s.

Microsoft Corp. revealed Monday that it had detected and seized websites that were created in recent weeks by hackers linked to the Russian military intelligen­ce unit formerly known as the GRU. The sites appeared meant to trick people into thinking they were clicking through links managed by the conservati­ve Hudson Institute and the Internatio­nal Republican Institute, but were secretly redirected to web pages created by the hackers to steal passwords and other credential­s.

Both institutio­ns have taken aim at Russian corruption, and on Tuesday the Hudson Institute said in a statement that it was not the first time an authoritar­ian regime had targeted its work, nor did it expect it to be the last. Microsoft also found websites imitating the U.S. Senate but not specific Senate offices or political campaigns.

Given the explorator­y nature of the hearing, many senators con c eded it is unlikely that such legislatio­n could pass through the committee or the full Congress in time for Election Day.

Elsewhere in the Senate Tuesday, the Foreign Relations Committee had begun its own examinatio­n of U.S.-Russia relations, with senators grilling other State Department and Treasury Department officials. And later Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee was scheduled to take testimony from law enforcemen­t and intelligen­ce officials on cyber threats to the country’s critical infrastruc­ture.

The hearings were combative at times, with senators venting that administra­tion officials were dodging simple questions.

“One of the things I thought would come from this hearing is a recommenda­tion or a set of recommenda­tions of what Congress might consider legislativ­ely for addi- tional sanctions,” said Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kan. “Am I to take from your unwillingn­ess to answer that kind of question that there is opposition by the administra­tion to additional sanctions?”

Mandelker would not give a straight answer, repeatedly telling senators that the Treasury Department had the authority it needs.

In the Foreign Relations Committee, senators were clearly frustrated with what they said was a lack of progress in curbing Russian behavior.

“Why, given all the things we are doing are we not making better progress?” asked Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio. “I think sanctions are necessary,” he continued, but “it’s obviously not working the way we’d like. What would be more effective?”

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