The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Democrats in House races raising cash

- By Tamar Hallerman

WASHINGTON — Two years ago, U.S. Rep. Rob Woodall cruised to re-election in his House district based in Gwinnett and Forsyth counties, easily defeating a Democrat who challenged him on a shoestring budget.

The f i nancial pic t ure couldn’t be more different in 2018. Carolyn Bourdeaux, his current Democratic opponent, has clobbered him in the fundraisin­g department. Her campaign said Tuesday that she outraised the Lawrencevi­lle Republican by a margin of more than 3-to-1 between July and October.

Next door in the 6th Congressio­nal District, Democrat Lucy McBath raised nearly twice as much as U.S. Rep. Karen Handel, R-Roswell, during that same period.

The election of Donald Trump prompted not only a record number of female candidates to run for office in Georgia but also a surge of campaign donations from inside and outside the state, according to new federal filings. That could spell trouble for Republican incumbents who are looking to fend off spirited challenger­s in the north Atlanta suburbs.

Bourdeaux this week posted what could very well be a record-breaking sum in the 7th District. She said she raised more than $1 mil- lion in three months from roughly 3,500 individual donors.

“I am deeply grateful for the support of so many and remain committed to carrying the banner for the middle class families that are making this campaign work,” the policy studies professor said in a statement.

McBath reported raising $961,000 in that period, which began three weeks before the Democratic primary runoff and stretched through Sept. 30.

Money isn’t everything in political campaigns — Jon Ossoff raised nearly $30 million in last year’s 6th District race and still lost to Handel — but it’s certainly helpful as the Democratic challeng- ers look to build up their name identifica­tion against their well-known opponents. McBath and Bourdeaux have unveiled network television ads in recent weeks aimed at introducin­g themselves to voters ahead of next week’s Atlanta Press Club debates.

The GOP incumbents, meanwhile, have focused on their D.C. voting records as they’ve ramped up their own fundraisin­g efforts. Handel and Woodall logged their highest totals of the 2018 campaign during the third quarter, respective­ly reporting $540,000 and $294,000 this week.

They’ve also hit the ir opponents for raking in money from out-of-state donors.

A substantia­l chunk of McBath’s and Bourdeaux’s most recent campaign contributi­ons have come from outside their districts and states. Both have benefited from organizati­onal help from the Democratic Congressio­nal Campaign Committee and left-leaning fundraisin­g platforms such as ActBlue, which allow peo- ple from across the country to easily donate to political campaigns online.

Handel has also zeroed in on McBath’s affiliatio­n with Everytown For Gun Safety, the gun control group that once employed McBath — the Democrat is on a leave of absence until after the election — and has plowed $3 million into the race.

McBath has disavowed the proliferat­ion of dark money in politics but said she does not consider Everytown’s spending to fall into that category. (It does — its political action arm is a 501(c) (4), which does not need to disclose its donors and can spend unlimited amounts on elections as long as it does not coordinate with campaigns.)

“While our opponent’s employer is spending millions in yet another attempt to buy this seat with out-ofstate money, we have the right candidate with a record of results that reflects the values of the 6th District,” said Mason Rainey, Handel’s campaign manager.

McBath’s campaign hit Handel on Tuesday for “posting weak fundraisin­g numbers because she is out of step with this district.”

Handel received assists from many of her GOP colleagues in Georgia’s congressio­nal delegation, including U.S. Reps. Doug Collins, Tom Graves and Austin Scott, as well as the National Rifle Associatio­n’s Political Victory Fund, Equifax and Delta Air Lines. Her campaign said that nearly 80 percent of the roughly $365,000 she raised from individual­s came from within the state.

Some of the House’s top Democrats contribute­d to McBath’s campaign coffers, including Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Minority Whip Steny Hoyer and Assistant Minority Leader Jim Clyburn, as well as the political arms of Planned Parenthood and the Congressio­nal Black Caucus.

She also received $5,000 from Hillary Clinton, whom McBath was a surrogate for in the 2016 presidenti­al election, and the PAC of a potential 2020 candidate, New York U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand.

McBath’s camp said it received donations from roughly 26,500 people, an unusually large number for a non-statewide candidate.

Her campaign said the average contributi­on was roughly $36.

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