The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

What’s not working around metro Atlanta


Item: Atlanta (Fulton)

Pradeep Das wants something done about one of the city’s main thoroughfa­res.

“I bring to your kind attention the terrible condition of Moreland Avenue in the city of Atlanta. The condition of this road is in very bad shape especially the area near Confederat­e Road and beyond — full of big bumps, large potholes and cracks.

Everyday I go through this road and driving is a nightmare and so uncomforta­ble,” he wrote.

Das said he has called

Atlanta’s road repair department several times in the past six months, but nothing has been done so far.

“This is an important road Doug Sabo hopes someand needs immediate repair thing can be done about and resurfacin­g,” he added. a pothole-ridden freeway.

We sent his issue to the “There are a number of city and will keep you potholes on Ga. 400 southupdat­ed. bound between Exit 9 and Days on list: 2 Exit 5 that have been there Who’s looking into it: for at least six months. I’ve City of Atlanta Department reported them three times of Public Works Commisvia 511 as well as once on the sioner William Johnson, 404- GDOT website,” he wrote. 330-6240, wmjohnson@ We sent Sabo’s item to the DOT and will let you know if it gets resolved.

Days on list: 2 Michael Smith hopes Who’s looking into so m ething can be done it: Natalie Dale, Georgia about a metal plate in Mid- Department of Transporto­wn. tation,

“This metal plate has been across 7th Street in Midtown for many months. I would love to see proper street coverage in this area at 7th and Mentelle Drive,”

Smith wrote.

We sent his issue to the

Item: Atlanta (Fulton)

city and will keep you updated.

Days on list: 2

Who’s looking into it: City of Atlanta Department of Public Works Commission­er William Johnson, 404330-6240, wmjohnson@

Item: Atlanta (Fulton)

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