The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



Every month, I travel to Birmingham, Alabama, for dinner and a fun bridge game with old friends and teammates. We always have interestin­g deals.

I was today’s South. North’s two-heart preference showed weakness. When I rebid three clubs, suggesting 10 cards in my two suits and game interest, North was reluctant to try 3NT. So we landed at three hearts.

West led a spade, dummy played low and East took the queen and returned the king to dummy’s ace. I tried a club to my jack, and West won and led a high spade. I ruffed and led a low trump: nine, jack, queen. East returned a club, and I won and cashed the ace of trumps.

When West discarded (groan!), I led a good club. East ruffed but was left with A-Q-5 of diamonds and 10-7 of trumps. He cashed his ace and I took the rest.

I go down two if East finds the odd play of a low diamond (!) at Trick Nine. Dummy would win and lead another diamond: queen, ruff. Then East would score his ace plus a trump.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ KQ ♥ Q10762

◆ AQ54 ♣ 10 9. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one heart and he bids one spade. What do you say?

ANSWER: You can’t place the contract, but you must force to game. If in your partnershi­p style, a jump-preference in opener’s minor-suit is forcing, a jump to three diamonds will be ideal. If that bid would be invitation­al, bid two clubs, the “fourth suit,” to set up a force.

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