The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Facing pressure, McConnell agrees to criminal justice vote

Effort to overhaul sentencing laws has bipartisan support.

- By Mary Clare Jalonick and Kevin Freking

WASHINGTON — Under pressure from President Donald Trump and many of his Republican colleagues, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that he will bring legislatio­n to the floor to overhaul the nation’s sentencing laws.

McConnell’s decision comes after more than three years of overtures from a large, bipartisan group of senators who support the criminal justice bill, including Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and House Speaker Paul Ryan. Trump announced his support for the legislatio­n last month, but McCo- nnell treaded cautiously, as a handful of members in his caucus voiced concerns that it would be too soft on vio- lent criminals.

Texas Sen. John Cornyn, the No. 2 Republican, said Trump’s push for the legislatio­n had been “critical to the outcome.”

“Senator McConnell was always concerned about the small window of time that we have to do all these things we need to do, but the pres- ident was insistent that this be included,” he said.

If the legislatio­n passes, it could be a rare biparti- san policy achievemen­t for this Congress and the larg- est sentencing overhaul in decades. AshLee Strong, a spokeswoma­n for Ryan, said “the House stands ready to act on the revised Senate criminal justice reform bill.” Ryan has long supported sen- tencing reform and is retir- ing at the end of the session.

Most Democrats support the bill, which would revise 1980s and ’90s-era “tough on crime” laws to boost reha- bilitation efforts for federal prisoners and give judges more discretion when sentencing nonviolent offend- ers. It would attempt to focus the toughest sentences on the most violent offenders, lowering mandatory minimum sentences for some nonviolent drug offenses and reducing the life sen- tence for some drug offend- ers with three conviction­s, or “three strikes,” to 25 years.

Supporters say the changes would make the nation’s criminal justice system fairer, reduce overcrowdi­ng in fed- eral prisons and save taxpayer dollars.

“It is an opportunit­y to correct manifest injustices in the system,” said Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who signed on to the legislatio­n last week after supporters agreed to make tweaks further ensuring that violent criminals were not released early. “There are far too many young black men who find themselves incarcerat­ed for years or even decades based on nonviolent drug offenses.”

Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, another supporter, said he thinks the legislatio­n became “a more consensus product” after Cruz’s tweaks were accepted and he announced his support.

“We’re going to have a lot of people on board,” Paul said. “And it’s the right thing to do.”

Most Democrats were also supportive, despite having wanted even broader changes. New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, a leading proponent of the bill, said if the legislatio­n is passed, it will have “a profound effect on thousands of families who have been suffering as a result of this broken system.” He estimated that 90 percent of the beneficiar­ies of the bill would be African American.

Booker said the bill isn’t “all the way there” in terms of what he would have liked, but it would “take a step in the right direction and correct the ills of the last 25, 30 years.”

The bill has been a priority for Trump’s son-inlaw, Jared Kushner, who has worked behind the scenes with supportive Republican senators over the last two years and pushed Trump to support it. It was also a top issue for former President Barack Obama, who had hoped to see the bill become law before he left office.

Supporters have long said that the bill would pass if McConnell would just put it on the floor. But McConnell hesitated as some vocal members of his caucus said the bill would allow the release of violent felons — a charge GOP supporters denied.

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