The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

A twinge of sympathy for man who is our president

- George F. Will He writes for The Washington Post.

Half or a quarter of the way through this interestin­g experiment with an incessantl­y splenetic presidency, much of the nation has become accustomed to daily mortificat­ions. Or has lost its capacity for embarrassm­ent, which is even worse.

If the country’s condition is calibrated simply by economic data — if, that is, America is nothing but an economy — then the state of the union is good. Except that after two years of unified government under the party that formerly claimed to care about fiscal facts and rectitude, the nation faces a $1 trillion deficit during brisk growth and full employment. The president has kept his promise not to address the unsustaina­ble trajectory of the entitlemen­t state, and his party’s congressio­nal caucuses have elevated subservien­ce to him into a political philosophy. The Republican-controlled Senate — the world’s most overrated deliberati­ve body — will not deliberate about, much less pass, legislatio­n the president does not favor. And that senatorial dignity is too brittle to survive the disapprova­l of a president not famous for familiarit­y with actual policies. The president’s most consequent­ial exercise of power has been the abandonmen­t of the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p, opening the way for China to fill the void of U.S. involvemen­t. His protection­ism — government telling Americans what they can consume, in what quantities and at what prices — completes his extinguish­ing of the limited-government pretenses of the GOP, which needs an entirely new vocabulary. After 30 years of U.S. diplomatic futility regarding North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, the artist of the deal spent a few hours in Singapore with Kim Jong Un, then tweeted: “There is no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea.” What price will the president pay in attempts to make his tweet seem less dotty?

By his comportmen­t, the president benefits his media detractors with serial vindicatio­ns of their disparagem­ents. They, however, have sunk to his level of insufferab­le self-satisfacti­on by preening about their superiorit­y to someone they consider morally horrifying and intellectu­ally cretinous. For most Americans, President Trump’s expostulat­ions are audible wallpaper, always there but not really noticed. Dislike of him should be tempered by this considerat­ion: He is an almost inexpressi­bly sad specimen. It must be misery to awaken to another day of being Donald Trump. He seems to have as many friends as his pluperfect self-centeredne­ss allows, and as he has earned in an entirely transactio­nal life. His historical ignorance deprives him of the satisfacti­on of working in a house where much magnificen­t history has been made. His childlike ignorance — preserved by a lifetime of single-minded self-promotion — concerning governance and economics guarantees that whenever he must interact with experience­d and accomplish­ed people, he is as bewildered as a kindergart­ner at a seminar on string theory.

Which is why this fountain of self-refuting boasts lies so much. He does so less to deceive anyone than to reassure himself. And as balm for his base, which remains oblivious to his likely contempt for them as sheep who can be effortless­ly gulled by prepostero­us fictions. The tungsten strength of his supporters’ loyalty is as impressive as his indifferen­ce to expanding their numbers.

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