The Atlanta Journal-Constitution


In the most direct challenge yet to President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela, opposition leader Juan Guaidó swore himself in as interim president Wednesday as tens of thousands gathered in anti-government protests nationwide. President Donald Trump quickly r

- Ana Vanessa Herrero

Why it matters

The opposition has largely united behind Guaidó. He called for Wednesday’s protests, has offered to lead a transition­al government and to hold new elections if leftist Maduro steps down.

Maduro was sworn in for a second term Jan. 10. The U.S. and many of Venezuela’s neighbors have called the president and successor to Hugo Chavez an illegitima­te dictator and signaled strong support for a plan to establish a transition­al government.

Maduro has accused opposition leaders of trying to sell out Venezuela to the United States.

Economic crisis

Discontent has deepened across Venezuela’s socioecono­mic classes as hyperinfla­tion has rendered wages virtually worthless. Citizens of what was once one of the region’s wealthiest nations have starved to death and died from preventabl­e diseases.

More than 3 million Venezuelan­s have left the country in recent years, and those who stayed behind have struggled to find food and medicine while contending with water shortages and rampant crime.

What’s next

The Trump administra­tion has prepared to sanc- tion crude oil exports from Venezuela, according to people familiar with the matter, but hasn’t decided whether to take that step. Maduro’s reaction to Guaidó’s move will help dictate whether the administra­tion enacts the sanctions, the people said.

Oil companies warn the action could disadvanta­ge Gulf and East Coast refiners designed to handle the country’s heavy crude and cause gasoline prices to spike.

 ?? FERNANDO LLANO / ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? An opposition member holds a Venezuelan flag Wednesday during a protest against President Nicolás Maduro in Caracas.
FERNANDO LLANO / ASSOCIATED PRESS An opposition member holds a Venezuelan flag Wednesday during a protest against President Nicolás Maduro in Caracas.

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