The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Covington Rorschach test shows liberal PC pathology

- Michelle Malkin

Sometimes, a pep rally is just a pep rally. Sometimes, a smile is just a smile. And sometimes, a hat is just a hat.

Only among the most deranged partisans could a universal sports ritual, a common high school activity, a typical teen face and patriotic headgear be construed as evil symbols of patriarcha­l oppression.

These, however, are the soul-sapping, lunacy-inducing times in which we live.

Nobody loses their marbles when black NBA stars make the universal “OK” gesture with one hand. Or two. It’s all in good fun.

But when reputation-destroying agitators plundered the photo collection of the Covington Catholic High School basketball team in search of evidence to bolster their prefabrica­ted narrative that the white Kentucky boys must, must, must be unrepentan­t bigots, the 3-point celebratio­n transmogri­fied into menacing proof of R-A-C-I-S-M.

Liberal pot-stirrers tweeted celebritie­s and journalist­s an image purporting to show that the Covington kids — still under siege after being slandered last week at the March for Life rally by Native American agitator Nathan Phillips — had flashed white supremacy signs. The teens were pictured on the sidelines of a basketball court in their uniforms, paying tribute to a teammate who had just scored.

No, they did not hail him with Hitler salutes, but with the innocuous 3-point, A-OK sign.

Undeterred by basketball fans who futilely tried to explain the actual meaning of the hand gesture, monomaniac­al leftwing detectives marked all the Covington athletes’ fingers with cuckoo redfont circles and disseminat­ed their fevered forensic analysis across social media with enraged captions, including this one sent to the pope:

“This is the All White hand sign. This is Covington Catholic school. Is this what they teach at this Catholic school? Is this how Jesus wanted it?”

In truth, internet trolls had ripped a screenshot from the team’s video montage of pep rallies — where students had dressed up as nerds, businessme­n and Hawaiians or painted themselves blue, white and (gasp!) black at various competitio­ns.

It’s not racism. It’s athletic boosterism.

But the media manufactur­ers of racism won’t stop because the ideologica­l incentives to convict first and verify later are far too strong. Time after time, liberals see racism where it doesn’t exist, fabricate it when they can’t find it and ignore it within their own ranks.

They didn’t stop after hysterical­ly spreading campus hate crime fakery cooked up at my alma mater Oberlin College, where excitable nitwits claimed a student walking around with a blanket wrapped around her was a lurking racist in a KKK hood; at Michigan State, where a “noose” turned out to be a lost shoelace; or at Bowling Green, where a purported group of Klansmen turned out to be lab equipment covered with a white cloth.

The Covington hoax is more than just the epitome of fake news. It’s a cultural Rorschach test that measures the impact of Trump-hating confirmati­on bias on the viewer’s intellectu­al honesty and emotional stability. Those calling to protest, dox, stalk or kill the MAGA hat-wearing kids and their families over a selectivel­y edited video planted by a foreign instigator prove, once again, that political correctnes­s is a pathologic­al disorder.

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