The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Japanese internment photos inspire documentar­y

Film will be screened at Georgia Public Broadcast headquarte­rs.

- By Bo Emerson

Dorothea Lange is known for her Depression-era photos of hardbitten rural Americans.

She created a lesser-known portfolio of work documentin­g a shameful chapter in American history, the forced internment of 117,000 Japanese Americans during the months after Pearl Harbor.

In 1942, she had been hired by the government to photograph the relocation of the American citizens as a way of demonstrat­ing that they had been treated kindly.

“The government wanted a record to show that this had been a humane process and there was nothing for anyone to complain about” Elizabeth Partridge, Lange’s biographer, told filmmaker Abby Ginzberg. Ginzberg’s new documentar­y film, to be screened in Atlanta Tuesday, shows the horrendous truth.

Though she was given some restrictio­ns — she was not to show barbed wire or guard towers in the photos — Lange was generally left to her own devices. What she

recorded was a deep, quiet sadness. “She had a way of capturing a combinatio­n of the despair and the fortitude, the resilience,” said Ginzberg.

The photos that Lange produced were unsatisfac­tory for the War Relocation Authority’s purposes. “They looked at the pictures and thought ‘this is not necessaril­y good PR for us,’” said Ginzberg. Most of the photos sat quietly in the National Archives for years afterward.

Then, in 2006, they were collected for a book called “Impounded: Dorothea Lange and the Censored Images of Japanese American Internment,” by Linda Gordon and Gary Y. Okihiro.

When Ginzberg, of Berkeley, Calif., was approached by the authors to make a companion documentar­y film, she was at first uninterest­ed. “I can’t make a movie about a book,” she said.

Then in 2017, came an executive order and travel ban that heavily affected Muslims. Suddenly the isolation and imprisonme­nt of 117,000 Americans had contempora­ry resonance.

“What’s happening today, with immigratio­n, with refugees, with family separation at the border — I thought I was making a film about American history, but it turned out I was making a film about today’s conflicts,” said Ginzberg.

Her movie, “And Then They Came For Us,” made with partner Ken Schneider, demonstrat­es that anti-Japanese sentiment had been stoked for a while. “It was not just Pearl Harbor,” said Ginzberg, 68. “There were years of anti-Japanese sentiment. The seeds had been sown.”

The film is narrated by actor George Takei, best known for his turn as Mr. Sulu in the original “Star Trek” television series. “It was a failure of American democracy,” Takei says, “and yet because most Americans are not aware of that dark chapter of American history, it’s about to be repeated.”

The images show families, their faces set in melancholy patience, dressed in their Sunday best, with suitcases piled around them. “I don’t think they knew where they were going,” said Ginzberg. In Takei’s case, soldiers with fixed bayonets sent them to converted horse stables in Santa Anita Park in Los Angeles. The barns reeked of manure. Ginzberg will appear at a screening of “And Then They Came for Us” at Georgia Public Broadcast headquarte­rs, on Tuesday, along with Edward Mitchell, of the Georgia chapter of CAIR and Phi Nguyen, of Asian Americans Advancing Justice.

Ginzberg will also appear Wednesday and Thursday with Frank Dawson at screenings of another one of her documentar­ies, “Agents of Change,” about the black student protest movement of the late 1960s. It will be shown at the Plaza Theatre and at the Science Auditorium at Spelman College.

 ??  ?? Dorothea Lange was hired to document the internment of Japanese-Americans during the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. Her photograph­s show one of the shameful chapters of American history.
Dorothea Lange was hired to document the internment of Japanese-Americans during the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. Her photograph­s show one of the shameful chapters of American history.

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