The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



“Simple Saturday” columns are meant to help aspiring players improve technique and develop logical thinking.

It’s said, cynically, that if at first you don’t succeed, you should read the instructio­n manual. But when you are declarer, look for extra chances to make your bid. If one chance doesn’t succeed, another may.

At today’s 3NT, dummy’s king of spades wins. Declarer sees that if the clubs break 3-2, he can run the suit and make overtricks.

But if the clubs don’t break, declarer can take only three clubs. He can concede the fourth club to set up the long cards but will have no further entry to dummy. He will have only eight tricks, and the defenders will have time to set up and cash their spades to beat the contract.

For an extra chance, declarer leads the A-K and a third diamond. When East has J-10, dummy’s nine is high. Declarer wins the spade return; takes the queen, king and ace of clubs; and scores his ninth trick with the good diamond.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ A54 ♥ AJ632

◆ AK5 ♣ Q 4. You open one heart, and your partner responds one spade. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your hand was too strong to open 1NT, with 18 points plus a five-card suit. A jump to 2NT now will describe your hand well. If you are reluctant to jump in notrump without a solid club stopper, you might try a devious bid of two diamonds.

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