The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

50 happy things

- Ligaya Figueras Adventures in Food

Food and dining editor Ligaya Figueras turns the tables on winter doldrums,

Can we be done with winter? Raindrops keep falling on my head. It’s cold. It’s cloudy. I can’t remember the last time the sun came out.

In the doldrums of such mucky weather, I find myself grasping for anything to put me in better spirits. Raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens …

Sure, maybe, not really. Pictures of cute pets and babies don’t do the trick for me. I seek refuge in food.

These are the few of my favorite things. …

1. Thinking about dinner far too much, and hoping the menu in my head becomes reality

2. Rememberin­g all the years of snatching newly laid eggs from the chicken coop (thanks, Francois and Beardy!), better when a rooster didn’t peck at my heels as I ran back to the house, clutching the goods

3. A fried egg

4. Illegal clipping of an edible flower or herb from a park or botanical garden, or, even better, from a cemetery, because you know that all the souls in those places are rooting for us. We wouldn’t steal the plant if we didn’t have good intentions, right?

5. The smell of fresh rosemary on my fingers

6. Standing under a fig tree and eating all the ripe fruit within arm’s reach

7. Kneading dough

8. Flour everywhere

9. Putting on a clean apron

10. Aprons with pockets

11. A dirty apron

12. Dirty kitchen hands, not fit to shake another hand

13. The funky smell of rising bread

14. A pat of butter melting on hot, freshly baked bread

15. Wrapping my fingers around a mug of hot tea

16. When someone else puts on a pot of hot tea

17. Witch sisters, who give a potful of advice along with a pot of hot tea

18. Watching droplets bead and sweat down the sides of a glass of ice water

19. Snipping herbs from the garden, in the rain (see No. 5)

20. Hot cocoa, better with mini marshmallo­ws, even better yet in my favorite mug

21. Gin and tonic, with good gin and good tonic — or not

22. Vintage coupe glasses

23. Cake pedestals

24. Whole milk

25. Real butter

26. Popcorn and Netflix

27. Stealing snacks from the pantry — as an adult, in my own home

28. Gifts of jam and jelly — honey, too

29. Planning a dinner menu in my head (see No. 1)

30. Preheating the oven

31. Not giving up on a cookbook recipe, just yet

32. When a dish starts out one way and goes another

33. Scouring the spice cabinet for the one shaker that might do the trick

34. The 5 minutes that a cooked steak gives the cook to rest

35. A pot of fluffy white rice, especially when I managed not to peek while it was cooking

36. Kix, Chex and other Mom-approved cereals that we sugar-deprived kids grew up with

37. Cap’n Crunch

38. Eating cottage cheese out of the container when no one is looking

39. Eating anything out of the container when no one is looking

40. A clean countertop (see Marie Kondo)

41. The first tomatoes of summer (see your local farmers markets)

42. The first tomatoes of summer from my own garden

43. Anything from my own garden

44. A sharpened chef ’s knife

45. Grinding spices in a mortar and pestle, letting go of any grievances

46. Cooking whole spices and hearing them pop

47. Chopping an onion, thinking victory because I didn’t shed a tear

48. Setting the table with my best china

49. Washing an empty casserole dish, because they ate every last bit

50. Flowers on the table, from my husband, just because.

 ?? LIGAYA FIGUERAS / LFIGUERAS@AJC.COM ?? Fresh rosemary from the garden is one of AJC dining editor Ligaya Figueras’ winter pick-me-ups.
LIGAYA FIGUERAS / LFIGUERAS@AJC.COM Fresh rosemary from the garden is one of AJC dining editor Ligaya Figueras’ winter pick-me-ups.
 ??  ??

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