The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



Daylight saving time returns this weekend: Set your clocks ahead one hour. If you’re always late getting to church on Sunday, set your clocks ahead an hour and 10 minutes.

Poor timing is an issue for many declarers. Against today’s 3NT, West led the jack of spades: deuce, king, ace. South next led the queen of clubs to finesse, and East took the king and led his last spade.

South had only eight tricks. He led a club to dummy and let the queen of diamonds ride, but West won and took three spades.

South mistimed. At Trick Two he should lead a low diamond, dislodging the only entry West can have to his spades. South can’t afford to lead a heart to dummy to finesse in diamonds. If West won, he might return a heart. If West wins and leads another spade, South wins and finesses in clubs. He will be safe for nine tricks even if East has a spade left.

Yes, as South actually played, he could succeed by end-playing West with a spade to lead a diamond from his king.


You hold: ♠ 7432 ♥ A53 ◆ QJ ♣ A 10 9 4. Your partner opens one diamond, you bid one spade and he rebids two diamonds. What do you say?

ANSWER: I recommend aggression. This hand is worth more than its point count suggests. The aces are fast tricks, and the diamond honors will solidify partner’s long suit. Bid 3NT. If he has a hand such as A 5, 862,AK10865,J5, you will have nine fast tricks.

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