The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

What Facebook’s ‘privacy vision’ means

- By Mae Anderson

NEW YORK — Mark Zuckerberg’s abrupt Wednesday declaratio­n of a new “privacy vision” for social networking was for many people a sort of Rorschach test.

Looked at one way, the manifesto read as an apology of sorts for Facebook’s history of privacy transgress­ions, and suggested that the social network would de-emphasize its huge public social network in favor of private messaging between individual­s and among small groups. Looked at another, it turned Facebook into a kind of privacy champion by embracing encrypted private messaging that’s shielded from prying eyes — including those of Facebook itself. Yet another reading suggested the whole thing was a public-relations exercise designed to lull its users while Facebook entrenches its competitiv­e position in messaging and uses it to develop new sources of user data to feed its voracious advertisin­g machine.

As with many things Facebook, the truth lies somewhere in between. Facebook so far isn’t elaboratin­g much on Zuckerberg’s manifesto.

Here’s a guide to what we know at the moment about its plans:

What’s happening to Facebook

In one sense, nothing. Its existing social network, with its newsfeeds and pages and 2.3 billion global users and $22 billion in 2018 profit, won’t change and will likely continue to grow. Although user growth has been stagnant in North America, its global user base expanded 9 percent in the last quarter of 2018.

But Zuckerberg suggested that Facebook’s future growth will depend more on private messaging such as what it offers with its WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram Direct services. The Facebook CEO said private messaging among individual­s and small groups is “by far” the fastest growing part of online communicat­ions. Naturally, Facebook wants to be there in a big way.

What’s changing with messaging

Its first step will be to make its three messaging services communicat­e better with one another. That would let you message a friend on WhatsApp from Facebook Messenger, which isn’t currently possible. It would also link your messaging accounts to your Facebook ID, so people can find you more easily.

Zuckerberg also promised to greatly increase the security of these messages. It will implement so-called end-to-end encryption for messaging, which would scramble them so no one but the sender and recipients could read them. That would bar access by government­s and Facebook. WhatsApp is already encrypted this way, but Messenger and Instagram Direct are not.

The first change users might notice is their address book, said Siva Vaidhyanat­han, director of the Center for Media and Citizenshi­p at the University of Virginia. While your Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp contacts might be quite different now, if the services combine to some degree, your contact lists will, too.

“As these services merge, we might end up basically having these huge combined address books,” he said.

When this will happen

You’re not likely to see any of these changes anytime soon. In his blog post, Zuckerberg said the plan will be rolled out “over the next few years . ... A lot of this work is in the early stages.”

But it shows that Facebook is trying to adapt as people shift toward services like Instagram and WhatsApp over Facebook — which today has 15 million fewer U.S. users than in 2017, according to Edison Research. In his post Zuckerberg said he expects Messenger and WhatsApp will eventually become the main ways people communicat­e on Facebook’s network.

What it means for privacy

Encrypted messaging is in many ways a big plus for privacy. But the way Facebook collects info about you on its main service site isn’t changing, said Jen King, director of consumer privacy at Stanford Law School’s Center for Internet and Society.

“It doesn’t really address all the ways Facebook is still collecting data about you,” she said. So users should still be alert about privacy settings and careful about what they choose to share.

Vanishing posts

Though the timeline is hazy, Zuckerberg did outline other changes users will eventually see. He said the company is looking at ways to make messages less permanent, a la Snapchat or Instagram “Stories,” which disappear after 24 hours.

“Messages could be deleted after a month or a year by default,” Zuckerberg wrote. “This would reduce the risk of your messages resurfacin­g and embarrassi­ng you later.” Zuckerberg said users will have the ability to change the time frame or turn off auto-deletion.


Facebook will likely also expand the way users can use its platform to pay for things, said Justin Brookman, director of consumer privacy and technology policy for Consumer Reports. Zuckerberg didn’t mention any new payment plans specifical­ly but did bring up payments four times in his post.

Currently Facebook lets its users pay friends or businesses digitally by linking a credit card or PayPal account, and that method is not likely to change anytime soon. But as Facebook looks to emulate Chinese behemoth WeChat, it could let you reserve a table through Facebook instead of going through an outside app, or order an Uber.

“Ideally Facebook will try to get a cut of all transactio­ns,” Brookman said.

 ?? ANDREW HARNIK / ASSOCIATED PRESS 2018 ?? Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s “privacy-focused vision” for Facebook looks like a transforma­tive mission statement. But critics say the plan obscures Facebook’s real goals.
ANDREW HARNIK / ASSOCIATED PRESS 2018 Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s “privacy-focused vision” for Facebook looks like a transforma­tive mission statement. But critics say the plan obscures Facebook’s real goals.

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