The Atlanta Journal-Constitution


The coronaviru­s is certainly scary, yet despite a climbing death toll, the reality is the vast majority of people who come down with COVID-19 survive it. Just as the number of cases grows, so does another number: those who have recovered.


1. How does your body fight off COVID-19?

Once a person is exposed the coronaviru­s, the body starts producing proteins called antibodies to fight the infection. As these antibodies start to successful­ly contain the virus, symptoms usually begin to lessen and you start to feel better. Eventually, if all goes well, your immune system will destroy all of the virus in your system. A person who was infected with and survived a virus with no long-term health effects or disabiliti­es has “recovered.”

2. What about immunity?

In general, once you have recovered from a viral infection, your body will keep cells called lymphocyte­s in your system. These cells“remember”viruses they’ve previously seen and can react quickly to fight them off again. If you are exposed to a virus you have already had, your antibodies will likely stop the virus before it starts causing symptoms. You become immune. This is the principle behind many vaccines.

Since this coronaviru­s is so new, scientists still don’t know whether people who recover from COVID-19 are immune to future infections of the virus. Doctors are finding antibodies in ill and recovered patients, and that indicates the developmen­t of immunity. But the question remains how long that immunity will last.

3. Why have so few people officially recovered in the U.S.?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is being careful when deciding what it means to recover from COVID-19. Both medical and testing criteria must be met before a person is officially declared recovered.

Medically, a person must be fever-free without feverreduc­ing medication­s for three consecutiv­e days. They must show an improvemen­t in their other symptoms, including reduced coughing and shortness of breath. And it must be at least seven full days since the symptoms began.

In addition, the CDC guidelines say that a person must test negative for the coronaviru­s twice, with the tests taken at least 24 hours apart. Only if both the symptom and testing conditions are met, is a person officially considered recovered by the CDC.

This second testing requiremen­t is likely why there were so few official recovered cases in the U.S. until late March. As the number of available tests increases and the pandemic eventually slows in the country, more testing will be available for those who have appeared to recover.

4. Once a person has recovered, what can they do?

Knowing whether or not people are immune to COVID-19 after they recover is going to determine what individual­s, communitie­s and society at large can do going forward. If scientists can show that recovered patients are immune to the coronaviru­s, then a person who has recovered could in theory help support the health care system by caring for those who are infected.

Once communitie­s pass the peak of the epidemic, the number of new infections will decline, while the number of recovered people will increase. As these trends continue, the risk of transmissi­on will fall. Once the risk has fallen enough, community-level isolation and social distancing orders will begin to relax and businesses will start to reopen. Based on what other countries have gone through, it will be months until the risk of transmissi­on is low in the U.S.

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