The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Queen’s speech a lesson for Biden

- Mona Charen She writes for Creators Syndicate.

Elizabeth II’s speech to the United Kingdom was moving, even for those of us who are lifelong small-r republican­s. In some respects, her model cannot be copied in the United States. She is a monarch, and we had some disagreeme­nts about that matter in 1776. She is a living link to the most harrowing experience in living memory, the Second World War. And, at 92, she has accumulate­d a lifetime’s reservoir of trust and goodwill.

But the queen’s address does have lessons for us Yanks, and particular­ly for Joe Biden. Part of what made the Queen’s speech affecting was its theme of unity. She thanked, first of all, the health care workers and other essential employees who “selflessly continue their dayto-day duties outside the home in support of us all.” Next, she extended her thoughts to those remaining in their homes and caring for loved ones. “Together we are tackling this disease, and I want to reassure you that if we remain united and resolute, then we will overcome it.”

“I hope in the years to come everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge. And those who come after us will say the Britons of this generation were as strong as any. That the attributes of self-discipline, of quiet good-humored resolve and of fellow-feeling still characteri­ze this country. The pride in who we are is not a part of our past, it defines our present and our future.”

We’ve heard at stressful times, people want a strong leader. Even Donald Trump benefited, at least a little, from this reaction. But that isn’t the whole story.

Trying times also bring out people’s altruism and longing for unity. In my own circle, among friends, relatives and the neighborho­od listserv, offers of help, volunteeri­ng and contributi­ons have overflowed. Neighbors volunteer to shop for elderly residents. Teenagers offer to help younger kids with homework via Zoom. Companies large and small have stepped up to donate supplies to health care workers, churches and others are caring for children whose parents are essential workers. The list is nearly endless.

We’ve focused so much in recent years on the primitive side of our natures — the part that responds to tribalism and hatred of “out” groups. But while those traits are real enough, we didn’t achieve great civilizati­ons by suspicion alone. Cooperatio­n and, in Queen Elizabeth’s phrase, “fellow feeling,” is also part of our nature. Humans are cooperativ­e creatures — even, at times, selfless ones. In wartime, men throw themselves on grenades to save others. In this time of plague, doctors and nurses willingly put their own lives at risk to save people.

Americans are already behaving in cooperativ­e and unifying ways. What they lack is a voice. President Trump is utterly incapable of sounding those notes. When he attempts it, as, for example, when an aide draws up some uplifting rhetoric, he seems to be sounding out the words as if reading another language. He is far more comfortabl­e searching out enemies.

Biden, by contrast, is wellsuited to the unifier role. His strength is a sympatheti­c understand­ing of others’ pain. His instincts are toward conciliati­on and cooperatio­n, to the point Democratic partisans were sometimes dismayed when he reminisced fondly about “getting things done” with Republican­s.

Just now, in the midst of the crisis, Biden lacks an opportunit­y to voice a unifying message. But that time will come soon.

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