The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Will we submit to second lockdown?

- Pat Buchanan He writes for Creators Syndicate.

On March 24, President Donald Trump said he wanted the country and the economy “opened up and just raring to go by Easter.”

Easter came and went. And Trump was mocked for being aspiration­al and unrealisti­c. Yet, with Ascension Thursday at hand, 40 days after Easter, the president seems to have been ahead of his time.

The country, as a whole, is, and has been, opening up. Last Sunday’s New York Times reports, for weeks now, more than two-thirds of the states have been relaxing restrictio­ns as Trump had urged.

The reasons: weariness with the lockdown and sheltering in place, a growing belief the worst of the pandemic is behind us and undeniably positive news from several fronts in the coronaviru­s war.

The facts suggest a positive trend. The number of newly confirmed coronaviru­s cases in the U.S. has been dropping for a month. The number of deaths has fallen from 2,200 a day in April to closer to 1,400 a day in mid-May. Several days last week recorded fewer than 1,000 deaths, an awful toll but a clear improvemen­t over April.

Still, the thrust of the Times article was about the new crisis we will be courting, should we try to resume normal activities too soon. Do that, says the Times, and we could easily forfeit the progress we have made.

Message: Social distancing, sheltering in place, wearing masks, working at home — the practices that broke the back of the pandemic — should be sustained for those able to do so.

Clearly, the opening in many states has been driven by popular protest and public demand. Crowds have ignored social distancing to demonstrat­e for an end to the shutdown.

The protesters seem to be saying: We deplore the losses and know the risks, but we cannot live our lives behind closed doors in our homes until the elites tell us we may go out in the yard.

Hence, the next question we are all likely to confront:

If there is a sudden resurgence of the coronaviru­s, a second wave, and the media elite and blue state governors demand a new shutdown, a new closure of beaches, parks, shops, restaurant­s and churches, will the people of this republic comply with those demands or defy them?

Will the nation answer back to the elites: We did that. We sheltered in place. We wore the masks. We socially distanced. We stayed in our homes. We stayed home from work. We have done all we were told to do to contain the virus. But, now, with the shutdown having put 36 million Americans on unemployme­nt and sunk our GDP to Depression-era levels, we’re going back to work.

The political divide has already begun to appear.

Among those making the case for ending the shutdown and reopening the country and economy will be Trump, red state governors like Ron DeSantis in Florida and Brian Kemp in Georgia, conservati­ves in Congress and populists.

The proponents of a second shutdown will be liberal governors and mayors, the mainstream media and the Nancy Pelosi wing of Congress.

It should not go unmentione­d the latter’s political interests are best served the longer the shutdown endures and the worse the economic situation Nov.

3. If the economy has failed to begin a robust recovery by fall, the greater the odds Joe Biden wins the White House.

Yet, even if the pandemic returns in the fall, the establishm­ent cannot keep the country closed indefinite­ly.

Ultimately, the people will decide when this shutdown ends.

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