The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

9th District


my life,” he said, when the agency seized nearly $1 million of assets from his store following a series of otherwise legal bank deposits that it deemed suspicious. Clyde fought the IRS to return his money, which it did, and also lobbied Collins to change the law allowing such seizures, which passed in 2020.

“I’m a fighter,” he said. “But I don’t just believe in fighting. I believe in fighting and winning.”

Pandy’s path to a congressio­nal run came after retiring as a chief warrant officer, a top advisory role with a specialty in live field intelligen­ce. Five combat deployment­s included Kandahar, Afghanista­n, and Tikrit, Iraq, where he suffered serious injuries that he lives with today.

Like many wounded veterans, Pandy hesitates to detail his injuries and how they happened, not just because he is modest, but because he feels guilty mentioning them.

“I feel a guilt in that because no matter what I’ve gone through, there is someone out there that has gone through worse,” he said.

Pandy now sports a bushy “retirement beard at COVID length.” Since retiring in 2014, he has traveled extensivel­y and worked as an actor in television and theater. But it was a moment in 2019, watching Collins defend President Donald Trump and rip into State Department employees during the House impeachmen­t trial, that activated Pandy’s run for Congress.

“He was beating down and disrespect­ing those who I see to be true patriots,” Pandy said. “And in that moment, I could not sit on the sidelines any longer and simply watch.”

‘A lot of anger’

“There’s just a lot of anger out there among the electorate,” said state Rep. Kevin Tanner, who ran in the GOP primary against Clyde. “People are upset, and people are very much anti-establishm­ent and anti-anybody they associate with the establishm­ent.”

That’s a sentiment Clyde has put at the center of his campaign. If elected, he said he would like to deregulate guns entirely, including silencers, and prohibit taxes on munitions. “If you can tax a constituti­onal right, as our firearms rights have been taxed, then you can tax it out of existence,” he said.

He would also abolish the IRS and spend the balance of his time focusing on military issues, ideally as a member of the House Armed Services Committee. He would also, he added, support Trump.

“I believe in law and order,” he said. “I think that our president needs our support in order to maintain the safety and security of our country.”

Pandy, by contrast, takes a more nuanced approach to nearly every issue he’d work on in Congress, including the Second Amendment. He says its protection­s should be limited only for people who abuse the right to bear arms.

“Absolutely, I support the Second Amendment. I have my own (gun),” he said. “I just don’t feel that I need to put it on my yard sign in order to make you feel like I am one of you.”

His campaign promises “progress for rural Georgia,” including ensuring affordable health care, increasing the minimum wage, helping farmers and providing affordable housing for homeless veterans.

He said he’d work with anyone in Congress, regardless of party, to come up with the best solution for the most people. “I am not here to argue or to prove my point or to force my beliefs on anyone,” he said. “I have fought for this country in Iraq and Afghanista­n, and I am going to continue to fight for this district in Washington.”

Clyde heads into November with a steep partisan advantage. Trump won the district in 2016 with 77.8% of the vote. He has also had the advantage of mostly self-funding his campaign. While Pandy has raised just $20,000, according to the latest public disclosure­s, Clyde has amassed $876,000, including $740,000 of his own money.

In a recent debate with Pandy, Clyde also acknowledg­ed receiving between $150,000 and $300,000 this year from the federal Paycheck Protection Program, which he told The Atlanta Journal-Constituti­on he used for salaries and operating expenses at Clyde Armory.

Clyde said he supported the PPP program but not the enhanced unemployme­nt benefits passed as part of COVID-19 relief this spring.

“We should never be incentiviz­ing people not to work,” he said. “And the PPP incentiviz­es people to work.”

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