The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Relief share


used Fulton’s population to arrive at the $ 104 million allocation, so city leaders wanted most of the money because essentiall­y all Fulton residents live inside of a city. County leaders argue that quick reaction ( and spending) curbed the spread of the virus for all Fulton residents.

City leaders still aren’t happy. Mayors say this is the beginning of a new era in city- county relationsh­ips.

“This is the first time I think in a long time ... where north county and south county mayors were all on the same page and stayed together,” East PointMayor DeanaHolid­ayIngraham­said lastMonday just before council members unanimousl­y approved the city’s $ 1.45 million plan.

East Point will use two thirds of its money, nearly $ 1 million, on the payroll for public safety workers.

Manypolice, fireandeme­rgency medical department­s across Georgia experience­d large amounts of overtime during the early days of the pandemic and bought scarce PPE at high mark- ups.

When the CARES Act money came, itwas unclear if cities could use the money on public safety budgets. Mayors wanted to be able to use the money on emergency responders in case the city couldn’t properly disburse the money before the deadline at the end of the year when they would havetoretu­rnunspentf­unds.

The federal Treasury Department­recentlyde­cided that cities can use themoney on public safety, re- invigorati­ng city leaders to get the money fromFulton because they had a sure- fire way to spend the money.

But all cities are different. InJohnsCre­ek, somecounci­l members opposed giving the money to anyone other than residents.

“We shut businesses­down and closed their doors,” said Stephanie Endres, whowas elected in 2015.

Council members interrupte­d, accusing each other of picking winners and losers, as they discussed last Mondaywho should get the money.

Erin Elwood, who was elected in December, is helping Endres form the city’s plan of how to spend the money.

“We have to make judgment calls, that’s why we were elected,” she said.

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