The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



“I know fine declarers must be able to think outside the box,” a club player said to me. “But I can’t think outside the box — or inside the box. I don’t even know where the box is.”

Today’s North-south reached the wrong contract; 6NT by North would have been cold. South must have yearned to be declarer since he bid six hearts, and East doubled to request the lead of a spade, the suit North had bid.

West duly led the deuce of spades. Do you see a way for South to succeed? (Think outside the box.)

South cleared the first hurdle when he took the ace of spades. He drew trumps and cashed the A-K of clubs and the A-K of diamonds. Declarer then led dummy’s jack of clubs — and pitched his queen of diamonds.

West took the queen of clubs but had only minorsuit cards left. He led a diamond, and South discarded his remaining spades on the 10 of diamonds and 10 of clubs. Making six.

I suppose that you do have to locate the box before you can think outside it.


You hold: ♠ AQ64 ♥ 76 ◆ K102 ♣ J 10 4 3. Your partner opens one heart, you respond one spade, he bids two diamonds and you try 2NT. Partner then bids three hearts. What do you say?


This situation is uneasy since your 2NT was a bit bold. But partner’s three hearts is forcing — he suggests six hearts, four diamonds and extra strength — so you must see it through. Bid four hearts and hope for the best.

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