The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



1 Chicago teachers vote to defy district:

The Chicago Teachers Union said Sunday that its members voted to defy an order to return to the classroom over concerns about COVID-19, setting up a showdown with district officials who have said that refusing to return when ordered would amount to an illegal strike. The nation’s third-largest district wanted roughly 10,000 K-8 teachers and other staff to return to school today to prep for in-school classes Feb. 1.

2 Incumbent wins:

Portugal’s president was returned to office for a second term Sunday. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa captured 61.5% of the vote, with 98.5% of districts reporting. He had been widely expected to win. In a stunning developmen­t, rightwing populist Andre Ventura was in a close race for second with Socialist candidate Ana Gomes, with both polling around 12%.

A grizzly bear captured in Wyoming has been confirmed as the oldest on record in the Yellowston­e region, Wyoming wildlife officials said. The male bear captured last summer had just a few teeth left and weighed 170 pounds, just a fraction of the 450 pounds he weighed in 1991. Biologists determined he was 34 years old after euthanizin­g the bruin, which had preyed on cattle.

3 Bear, 34, confirmed as Yellowston­e’s oldest: 4 First female PM for Estonia:

Estonia’s two biggest political parties clinched a deal Sunday to form a new government to be led by a female prime minister — Kaja Kallas —for the first time. The previous Cabinet collapsed in a corruption scandal.

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