The Atlanta Journal-Constitution


- By Emma Oxford © 2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


Pacific island called “The Gathering Place” Lots of land Workshop gadget Cold-shoulder Material from the French for a Scandinavi­an country

MLB shortstop who agreed to play third because Jeter was already the shortstop King

Used, as china Belief ending Mudville dud Theater section “Queer Eye” fashion expert __ France Clara Bow nickname

By the seashore King Society newbie Kuwaiti ruler Name synonymous with synonyms 39 Frosty glaze 40 Place to relax 41 King

43 Disco lights 45 Pressing

46 “Who now the price of his dear blood doth __?”: Shak. 47 Roman

commoner 48 Part of a

13-piece suit? 51 19th-century mystery writer with just one complete novel 53 Ristorante order 57 King

60 Short mystery


61 Patch plant 62 23rd-century

captain 1

5 10

14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 25


29 33 35 37 38 63 Unfreeze 64 Golfer’s set 65 Relaxing spots


1 2

3 4 5

6 7

8 9

10 11 12 13 18

19 24 25 26

27 28 29

Job safety org. “It’s __!”: SRO show headline Very significan­t Less saintly Obstinate mount

__ pie Touchdown signalers Dutch cheese Champagne label word Unoccupied Some S&L plans Ticked off Water whirled 3-Down, poetically Cybercurre­ncy “Hallelujah!” Diplomatic Chatted with, but not IRL Subdues Shimmer

Pet store array 30 31 32 34

36 39

41 42 44

Snack with Red Velvet and Key Lime Pie varieties Acrobat maker Absorb “Ain’t gonna happen” Frank’s cousin Ridges with steeply sloped sides Loom French pancake Capybara, for one 47 Praline nut 48 Unwanted email 49 Fried Dixie


50 Badly off base 51 Sound of a

contented cat 52 Medley 54 Decide not

to go to

55 Giga- x 1,000 56 Sacred cabinets 58 “The

Sopranos” org. 59 Store door nos.

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