The Atlanta Journal-Constitution


- People’s Pharmacy

We have no explanatio­n for this secondary benefit from the Moderna vaccine. We have heard from several people that their restless leg syndrome got better after vaccinatio­n.

Q: About three days after my first Moderna vaccine, I noticed I no longer had the recurring pain in my shoulders, neck and knees that I’ve had to get used to since 2008. I had been applying muscle rubs or similar medication­s nearly every night for years. After vaccinatio­n, I estimate that there’s been a 90% reduction in those pains.

I got my first shot in February and had no side effects. I got my second one in early March. I had fever, chills and muscle aches for 24 hours afterward.

It is now 40 days and counting. Virtually none of the old pains have returned. The big gains in upper body flexibilit­y have been maintained as well! I’m crossing my fingers that this will continue.

A: We have no explanatio­n for this secondary benefit from the Moderna vaccine. We have heard from several people that their restless leg syndrome got better after vaccinatio­n. This is the most recent message in that regard:

“I read the letter from someone with RLS. I had the same experience. I have suffered from restless leg syndrome most of my life. After getting my second Moderna shot in February, it disappeare­d.

I have not suffered any symptoms of RLS since, and it is a real blessing to sleep through the night without kicking, and tossing and turning.”

We have no idea if this Moderna vaccine effect will last, but it certainly is intriguing. Q: When my mother suffered headaches many years ago, she always took two aspirins and a cup of coffee. What is it about that combinatio­n that works so well?

A: The caffeine in the coffee works synergisti­cally with aspirin to improve pain relief.

Headache specialist­s consider a combinatio­n of acetaminop­hen (Tylenol) with aspirin and caffeine to be helpful for episodic tensiontyp­e headache as well as migraines (Statpearls, January 2021).

The makers of Excedrin have capitalize­d on this combinatio­n for years.

The dose of Excedrin Migraine and Excedrin Extra Strength is 500 mg of acetaminop­hen, 500 mg of aspirin and 130 mg of caffeine.

To tell you more about a variety of treatments for head pain, we have created an eguide to Headaches & Migraines.

This online resource covers nondrug approaches as well as medication­s and is available in the Health eguides section at www. Peoplespha­

Q: Years ago, an allergist recommende­d that I take Zyrtec daily for allergies. After several months I stopped and immediatel­y began to suffer from severe itching on the palms of my hands and soles of my feet.

It kept me up at night and impeded my workday.

I tried to wean off it to see if that made a difference but still experience­d itching and burning whenever I quit. I scoured the internet to find out if this was a thing, but there wasn’t much informatio­n then.

I was lucky enough to meet a dermatolog­ist who listened to me and did not act like I was crazy. She helped me wean off the antihistam­ine and prescribed a med that helped with the itching. I’m frustrated that people are not told about this side effect.

A: Your story is not unusual.

We have heard from hundreds of others who also experience­d itching upon discontinu­ation of cetirizine (Zyrtec).

We brought this to the attention of the Food and Drug Administra­tion and the agency eventually acknowledg­ed this reaction (Therapeuti­c Advances in Drug Safety, July 5, 2019).

Although the FDA offers no advice, very gradual withdrawal may help.

 ??  ?? Terry & Joe Graedon
Terry & Joe Graedon

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