The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Humans largely governed by habits — good and bad

- Angela and Dennis Buttimer For The AJC

So much of what we do as humans is governed by habits. Habits are largely unconsciou­s.

You may be programmed in certain ways of daily operating. Think about how many of the following you do practicall­y without thinking: brushing your teeth, taking a shower, opening a door, driving a car, moving through a grocery store, greeting someone new.

Because you have repeated a behavior many times consistent­ly, it becomes a habit.

You likely have some positive habits. Perhaps you say thank you when someone does something kind for you. Maybe you exercise consistent­ly. If you pause to make a list, you may find that you have an expansive number of good habits.

What about bad habits? Are there negative habits you have that you wish you could alter? It could be that you have habits around finances, health or relationsh­ips that you really wish you could change. Maybe you’ve really tried to shift those habits but haven’t been successful. Let’s consider why. Habits are behaviors that have become locked into your way of being because they are reinforcin­g in some way. Even bad habits are somehow rewarded otherwise you wouldn’t continue. It defies logic, doesn’t it?

How do you instill a new habit? We encourage you to start small and to be consistent. Let’s say you want to learn how to meditate. Our suggestion would be to set a timer for just five minutes a day. Make sure you practice it every day without fail. Increase the amount slightly if you are successful in the first week. What habit would you like to begin for better results in your life?

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