The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Quotations can motivate, inspire or comfort you


How have you used quotes throughout your life? Do you have some favorite ones? In what ways have they gotten you through life’s challenges? Did you ever see the television program called “Being Mary Jane” with Gabrielle Union? Throughout the episodes she would write quotes on sticky notes and place them all over her house. They validated, inspired and comforted her.

We have many favorite quotes and behave similar to Union’s character in our own lives. We have found that the right words can help transmute and transcend difficult times. Wisdom, love and reassuranc­e pour through these quotes. Maya Angelou, one of our favorites, said that “consistenc­y takes courage.” She refused to be a chameleon when interactin­g with different types of people. This doesn’t mean that she didn’t have fierce boundaries. In fact, she also said “When people show you who they are, believe them.” Many people try to justify why people act as they do and end up staying in unsatisfyi­ng, dysfunctio­nal relationsh­ips because of this denial.

The Buddha claimed that “nothing is forever except change.” That is true. Change is constant. It’s essential to make friends with change because it will continue.

Henry Ford said “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re probably right.” Belief in yourself is core to achieving your goals in life.

Eleanor Roosevelt stated that “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Standing in your own sacred circle offers you empowered sovereignt­y and internal freedom.

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Angela and Dennis Buttimer For The AJC

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