The Bakersfield Californian



- Send your hints to Heloise@ or mail them to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000.

Dear Readers: Today’s Sound Off is a warning about Charity scams:

Dear Heloise: In this colder weather, many charities will be asking for donations to help the homeless and the needy.

Many are reputable agencies whose only goal is to help others. However, it’s also a time when some scam artists try to make their bogus phone calls and emails sound legitimate, but they’re really out to help only themselves. Don’t let them pressure you to give right now. It’s a warning sign that they are scammers. If they request payment in cash, gift card or wire transfer, it’s another sign of a scammer. Before you hand over a dime, check them out on www. charitynav­ or www.charitywat­ But whatever you do, do not hand out any financial or personal informatio­n. Don’t assume requests for help on social media or crowdfundi­ng sites are legitimate. Do your research before you hand over your hard earned money.

— Paul B., Chicago

Dear Readers: Here are uses for old but still useful pillowcase­s:

■ Cut a hole in the center of the bottom and use to slip over clothes to protect them.

■ Place over tender plants to protect from the cold.

■ Use in place of plastic bags for shopping.

■ Slip over a ceiling fan blade and when you pull it off, use enough pressure from your hands to remove dust.

— Heloise

Dear Heloise: I very much enjoy your column.

As an outdoors man I would like to submit the following hint: Clean out a thumbrelea­se prescripti­on medicine container, because they are great for storing fishhooks, sinkers and for holding peanuts, mixed nuts and candies to take on outdoor adventures.

— Mike S., Laotto, Ind.

Dear Heloise: Your recent hint concerning the use of turn signals for changing lanes was good.

However, one important thing was missing. When changing lanes, you must first look to make sure there is no vehicle just to your rear in the next lane to which you wish to change.

Numerous times I have had to brake quickly to miss the car ahead of me that is changing lanes without the driver first checking to make sure all is clear.

— Larry In Amarillo, Texas

Larry, you bring up an excellent point. Most drivers do not use their side mirrors as much as they should. Many cars have a “blind spot,” and their side mirrors help them navigate the highways and avoid an accident. — Heloise

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