The Bakersfield Californian

US spares ally Germany in sanctions for work on Nord Stream pipeline


REYKJAVIK, Iceland — The Biden administra­tion imposed sanctions Wednesday on Russian companies and ships for their work on a European natural gas pipeline adamantly opposed by the U.S., but President Joe Biden angered many Democratic and Republican lawmakers by opting not to punish the German company overseeing the project.

Waiving penalties regarding ally Germany in the Nord Stream 2 project was “in line with our commitment to strengthen our Transatlan­tic relationsh­ips as a matter of national security,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement.

The U.S. has battled for years to block the pipeline, now 95 percent complete, though constructi­on has not yet started on its German leg. The pipeline will carry natural gas from Russia to Germany, increasing Russia’s leverage as a vital energy supplier in Europe. The U.S. argues that the pipeline threatens European energy security, heightens Russia’s influence and poses risks to Ukraine and Poland in bypassing both countries.

Critics of the pipeline had hoped to stop it by targeting the German company and its top executive.

Sen. Bob Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat and chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said he opposed Biden’s waiver for Germany. Senior committee member Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, a New Hampshire Democrat, said the pipeline “allows Russia to further spread its malign influence.”

“Oh, my God, enable Russia!” Sen. Joni Ernst, an Iowa Republican, exclaimed at the decision. “Joe Biden, thank you so much for allowing Russia to export their goods,” she said, sarcastica­lly.

Blinken said the Biden administra­tion would continue to fight the pipeline. “Our opposition to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is unwavering,” he said.

Biden’s administra­tion has emphasized strengthen­ing alliances internatio­nally to deal with foreign policy challenges. U.S. relations with Germany were unsettled by President Donald Trump’s frequent affronts to Germany and other European allies and Trump’s enthusiasm for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, who spoke with Blinken by phone Tuesday, praised the decision regarding the German interests involved.

“We perceive this to be a constructi­ve step that we will gladly continue to discuss with our partners in Washington,” Maas told reporters in Berlin.

The administra­tion was making public the sanctions as Blinken prepared to sit down in Iceland for his first face-to-face meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Their meeting was already expected to be contention­s amid a sharp deteriorat­ion in ties between Washington and Moscow.

The sanctions named eight Russian ships and companies. The German company, Nord Stream 2 AG, and its German chief executive also were identified as violating U.S. law. But Biden is using presidenti­al authority to waive sanctions on them under a national interest exemption in the legislatio­n.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has defended the project, noting that Russian gas already flows freely into Europe along other routes, including the existing Nord Stream 1 pipeline under the Baltic Sea to Germany.

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