The Bakersfield Californian


- — Brik McDill, Bakersfiel­d

Is Laura’s Law with its assisted outpatient treatment program the complete answer to our problem with the homeless mentally ill? A deep dive into its stringent requiremen­ts for the homeless mentally ill to be subject to its provisions reveals that it is not set up for dealing fully with the homelessne­ss problem. It is meant to address those who are psychotic, dangerous to self or others, or gravely mentally ill, have had two significan­t contacts with law enforcemen­t for danger to self or others or grave disability, not counting the sentinel event, psychiatri­cally deteriorat­ing, and other requiremen­ts too numerous to list in the space of this letter.

Stacy Kuwahara did a yeoman’s job laying out the many successes of Kern County’s AOT program and she is to be commended on how well she has done with the heavy lift she has been handed with her department’s responsibi­lity to do something about our problem with the homeless mentally ill. Well done, Ms. Kuwahara.

Simply stated, Laura’s Law is not the all-inclusive answer to our homelessne­ss problem. Our county supervisor­s are exploring ordinances and additional resources for the homeless mentally ill and they should be wished godspeed in their endeavors. There is no question that the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act, however well-intentione­d it was, created a booger of a homelessne­ss problem throughout the state. Laws supplement­ary to Laura’s need to be carefully crafted, and we all need to fully support our supervisor­s, City Council members, state assemblyme­n, and state senators along those lines.

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