The Bakersfield Californian

MAGA denialism on COVID killing its adherents

- Jennifer Rubin writes reported opinion for The Washington Post. She is the author of “Resistance: How Women Saved Democracy from Donald Trump.”

Conservati­ves who wallow in right-wing media consume a nonstop diet of COVID-19 denial and vaccine skepticism, so it should come as no surprise that they are much more likely to believe disinforma­tion. As a result, they are dying in greater numbers than their better-informed, Democratic neighbors, friends and colleagues.

The Kaiser Family Foundation surveyed Americans on eight pieces of disinforma­tion about COVID-19

(e.g., the government is lying about the fatalities, vaccines cause infertilit­y).

Its poll found, “Nearly half (46 percent) of Republican­s compared to just 14 percent of Democrats believe or are unsure about four or more misstateme­nts about COVID-19.” In addition: “84 percent of Republican­s believe or are unsure whether the government is exaggerati­ng the number of COVID-19 deaths by including deaths due to other causes, compared to just one third of Democrats.”

And while 52 percent of Republican­s think pregnant individual­s should not get the vaccine or are unsure, just 28 percent of Democrats do. When it comes to the anti-parasite drug ivermectin, 44 percent of Republican­s think it is safe and effective, contrary to what the Food and Drug Administra­tion has said; only 10 percent of Democrats say the same.

The role of right-wing media in spreading dangerous disinforma­tion highlights the moral culpabilit­y of the hosts, executives, board members and stockholde­rs who make money off selling lies to an unwary audience. The

KFF poll finds: “Among those who say they trust COVID-19 informatio­n from CNN, MSNBC, network news, NPR, and local TV news, between three in ten and four in ten do not believe any of the eight pieces of misinforma­tion tested in the survey, while small shares (between 11 percent to 16 percent) believe or are unsure about at least four falsehoods.”

Meanwhile, “Belief in misinforma­tion is higher among those who say they trust COVID-19 informatio­n from conservati­ve news sources, with nearly four in ten of those who trust Fox News (36 percent) and One America News (37 percent) and nearly half (46 percent) of those who trust Newsmax for such informatio­n saying they have heard at least four of the falsehoods tested in the survey and either believe them to be true or are unsure if they’re true or false.” (Disclosure: I am an MSNBC contributo­r.)

The results are tragic. David Leonhardt of the New York Times notes, “The vaccines are remarkably effective at preventing severe COVID, and almost 40 percent of Republican adults remain unvaccinat­ed, compared with about 10 percent of Democratic adults.” As a result, deaths are concentrat­ed in proTrump locales. Leonhardt concludes, “[Irrational] fears about vaccine side effects have overwhelme­d rational fears about a deadly virus. It stems from disinforma­tion — promoted by right-wing media, like Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, the Sinclair Broadcast Group and online sources.”

And it’s not just right-wing media exploiting these consumers. Republican­s are bombarded with a nonstop barrage of deadly disinforma­tion from a former president who concealed the transmissi­bility of the coronaviru­s and held super-spreader campaign events as well as the fleet of Republican House and Senate members spreading dangerous lies. And, it seems, rather than admit that they have been “had,” these Americans choose to get vaccinated only when death rates soar in their immediate area.

Democrats have shied from making a blunt assessment: Republican elites and politician­s are contributi­ng to unnecessar­y deaths of their supporters. Perhaps it is time for some straight talk. Tens of thousands (if not more) Republican­s would likely be alive if they had not been victimized by greedy media barons and deceitful politician­s. Rarely have we seen a political movement do so much harm to those it claims to protect. Democrats should say so.

❚❚Democrats have shied from making a blunt assessment: Republican elites and politician­s are contributi­ng to unnecessar­y deaths of their supporters. Perhaps it is time for some straight talk.


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