The Bakersfield Californian

This is the definition of a father

- Follow Pastor David Vivas Jr. of Delano on his Facebook page at www.facebook. com/pastordavi­d.vivas.

Any man can help create a baby. But it takes a father to be in the life of a child he has helped to create. A father (dad) will always be a part of the lives of his children. He will never abandon his role nor neglect his duties as a dad to his kids (Psalm 103:13).

A father plays a vital role in the lives of his children. He is to teach his kids about ethics, morals, common courtesy, decency and respect for others. He teaches his boys how to respect women by respecting their mom. He teaches his daughter never to tolerate physical, sexual, mental or verbal abuse from a man when she is of age to date. A father is to set an example to his children regardless of circumstan­ces.

A caring and responsibl­e father is often unnoticed by others. He does not neglect his responsibi­lity in taking care of his children by passing it on to others, including the government. He should never deny the existence of his children by walking out of their life. It’s extremely selfish for a man to abandon his small children. There is no dignity in doing so.

A man who abandons his minor children does not have a right to the title of “dad” or “father.” There is nothing honorable about a man who neglects his children. Those men who have convenient­ly forgotten the kids he helped bring into this world may someday regret neglecting his children when they become adults.

The sacred scriptures are clear about the role and duty of a father. He is to teach his children the ways of the Lord. He is to teach them to love Almighty God and learn about Him written in the scriptures (Proverbs 22:6; Deuteronom­y 6:6-7). A father is to be an example of what it means to love and fear the Lord. He is to lead his family by example. He is to be a man of prayer; a man of the word; a man who takes his family to church; a man who will be faithful in his responsibi­lities.

If you are a man who has neglected your duty of a father, will you make the necessary changes to become the father your children deserve to have? And to all the men who have been responsibl­e in your duties and role of a dad, I hope you had an incredible Father’s Day.


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