The Bakersfield Californian



- Send your hints to Heloise@ or mail them to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000.

Dear Heloise:

With regard to the “recycling bags” submission that was in our paper on Aug.

2, I would like to suggest that Jane is reusing the plastic bags rather than recycling. She fills the plastic bags and then puts them in the trash. If she puts the bags in the trash, then she is not recycling them. The bags will end up in the landfill. Best regards and smiles.

— Tim Davis, Kettering, Ohio

Dear Heloise: I read the hint regarding zip-close bags in the Omaha World Herald, in which a teacher said she took the zip-close bags her students brought to school. She would take them home to reuse them for other purposes, until she could dispose of them in the trash.

The brand Ziploc, and I am presuming other brands, can be recycled using the bins at the grocery store, the same as with the plastic bags you get from them. I have been doing this for years.

I rinse them and make sure they are dry, then put them into the plastic-bag recycle bin along with the other plastic bags.

— Teri Shindo, Omaha, Nebraska Dear Heloise: Instead of relying on the contact list of my iPhone to call a person of importance — family or work personnel — I actually dial these numbers. There might come a day when a personal phone is misplaced or broken. Batteries die, too.

Not a bad idea to include a short list of important phone numbers in wallets and purses as well.

— D.G., Chino Hills, California

Dear Heloise: When the wind blew just so, the vent flap on our kitchen fan would repeatedly open, close and

bang, driving us crazy.

On a windy day, we took off the hood to access the offending flap. We carefully balanced large and small magnets from a craft store on the flap until it stayed closed. We then replaced the hood. Crucially, we tested the fan on all speeds several times to ensure it opened and closed properly. It hasn’t banged since. — Karen G. Duffy, Geneseo, New


Dear Heloise: Recently, you had a question from a reader about where to put keys and not lose them. I made a nice rack with hooks and mounted it by the main door we use. Everyone in the family hangs their keys there.

As a volunteer firefighte­r for over 35 years, I can tell you that when the pager sounds at 3 a.m., you don’t want to be looking for your car keys.

— J.Morris, King George County,


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