The Bakersfield Californian

Trump sees himself above the law


Let me see if I have this correct. The morning of Jan. 6, 2022, then-President Trump, who lost his re-election bid for a second term in office, called on his supporters to protest and to “take our nation back.” This resulted in an armed insurrecti­on and attack on the United States Capitol with the intent to delay/nullify the election results. Later, he claimed that he had not intended to excite nor direct the mob (which he knew was armed).

On Saturday, former president Trump announced that he was going to be arrested in several days and called for his supporters to protest to “take our nation back!” Never mind that at most he’s been indicted, which only means that he’s been charged with a crime, and where he has the opportunit­y to defend himself in court.

I see a pattern here. Trump believes himself above the law. The grand jury, after much research and effort, believes that Trump may have broken the law and may intend to indict him (not as of Sunday, this is merely conjecture). Clearly having to bear the same process any U.S. citizen should bear if there is evidence to support that someone broke the law is more than Trump believes he should be subject. — Kendall Moya, Bakersfiel­d


I’ve discovered, after all these years, that I’m not very smart. I just can’t understand so many things that everyone else takes for granted.

According to my way of looking at things, a week from now we will all know that one of our former presidents was arrested on Tuesday, and the current Speaker of the House called for an investigat­ion of the DA’s office on the Sunday before.

That’s old news, of course, but I won’t really be able to see it until sometime next week. That comes from being old-fashioned, I suppose, but that’s how it is. Right now it doesn’t make any sense to me.

I find myself wondering why the former Speaker of the House didn’t start an investigat­ion on Jan. 4 or 5, 2021, of the events that were about to take place in the nation’s Capitol.

My first guess was that Democrats aren’t allowed to investigat­e before the fact, but Republican­s are. If so, that’s a big disadvanta­ge, and probably ought to be investigat­ed. Maybe they play in different leagues.

My second guess is that the Republican­s changed the rules after their guy gained the Speakershi­p. Surely that’s wrong! Even I can’t believe that one!

Probably, though, all this is just the new abnormal, and there’s nothing we can do about it.

— Larry Dunn, Bakersfiel­d


Great job explaining the county’s lack of cost analysis (“Community Voices: Compare and contrast response to parks,” March 19).

My solution would be to incorporat­e all the county islands in the city limits, which would also reduce the Kern County Sheriff’s budget by reducing the need for all of the metro deputies. The Bakersfiel­d Police Department already cuts though our neighborho­ods to get to the crime.

If you’ve waited on the KCSO in the past, you know the wait. The ranger idea in a smart option too. — Robert Smith, Bakersfiel­d


Had something like the Committee on Election Integrity been around during Mussolini’s time, it could have used Lean Six Sigma to quantitati­vely determine he was the greatest thing since rustic Italian bread. Over two decades, he reduced voter fraud to zero simply by canceling elections. And the trains ran on time. Garbage in, garbage out.

— Mark Evans, Bakersfiel­d


This is in regard to “Do basic research on voting” (March 10). I couldn’t agree more. I get informatio­n from Newsmax and Fox, then my research starts. I found that CNN and MSNBC make their own news on their beliefs. If you did your research, you would know this. And looking at your opinion, you may think The View gives factual informatio­n (laugh).

First I will tell you that I am a Trump Ultra MAGA Deplorable supporter, among millions here in California and the USA. Trump did so much for our country. Life was better, we were coming together.

I watched the 2020 election and believe fraud and cheating happened. Ask yourself: Why did they cover the windows so nobody can see in, for days trucks with ballots at 3 and 4 a.m. Poll workers were kept away? Someone that is honest does not try to hide it.

As for Tucker Carlson, thank you Mr. Speaker for allowing only one channel to have the tapes. We all see what really happened! Look what the Jan. 6 Committee did, hiring a Hollywood producer, and the lies, and no Democrats were arrested, but were there. BLM was among the mix. On a BLM site they were telling people to wear Trump garb. And Ray Epps and the four D.C. police lied. Nobody called the police the “N word.” There were cameras, yet no proof. I believe this was Nancy Pelosi’s doing, and made it more than it was.

You, my friend, need to do your research. The liars are on your side. — Sandi Murray, Bakersfiel­d


I was always very appreciati­ve of the support given by Kevin McCarthy for our local civics program, We the People.

I was, however, disappoint­ed that he never found the time to serve as a judge for our competitio­n. If he had, he might have heard very enlighteni­ng informatio­n from students concerning federalism, separation of powers, and due process.

Our California students will compete for the national title in late April near Washington, D.C. Possibly he can find the time to attend and learn a few things. — Terri Richmond, Bakersfiel­d

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