The Bakersfield Californian

How immigratio­n can fix labor shortages — without hurting American workforce


The U.S. economy needs to put up the “Help Wanted” sign. With job openings at near-record highs and unemployme­nt at near-record lows, labor shortages threaten to slow growth and raise prices.

Fortunatel­y, the Labor Department has a little-known tool that could prioritize immigratio­n in occupation­s for which there are insufficie­nt numbers of U.S. workers to fill jobs. This could be a game changer — so long as the Biden administra­tion is willing to let data, and not interest groups, lead the way.

The Labor Department’s tool, known as the Schedule A shortage occupation list, allows the government to streamline immigratio­n for internatio­nal workers who might fill open positions. The problem is that the Schedule A list has not been touched since 1991, leaving it disconnect­ed from the needs of today’s labor market. The Biden administra­tion seems to agree and has solicited public input about which occupation­s have an insufficie­nt number of U.S. workers.

Previous administra­tions have failed to do this in a transparen­t or evidence-based way, allowing employer lobbyists to influence changes to the list. But we believe there are objective and empirical methods to avert this problem.

In a report, we describe a new data-driven method — the Help Wanted Index — to modernize Schedule A. We look at the labor market conditions for about 400 occupation­s across the country by measuring 10 key economic indicators for each one. This includes metrics such as the unemployme­nt rate; the increase in median pay over time (larger pay increases indicate shortages, since it suggests companies are looking for workers); the increase in jobs (rapid job growth indicates rising demand for workers); and the income premium (how much more workers are paid compared to workers of similar background­s).

Our team found 28 occupation­s that could be included in a modernized Schedule A, including health-care occupation­s, such as surgeons and nurses, as well as STEM occupation­s, such as physicists and electronic­s engineers.

For some occupation­s, this could be transforma­tive. Expanding health-care occupation­s on Schedule A would help expand Americans’ access to quality and affordable care, which is especially critical as the U.S. population ages. The Census Bureau estimates that 21% of Americans will be 65 or older by 2030, putting an enormous burden on our already strained health-care workforce. One study published by the Mayo Clinic found that 1 in 5 doctors plan to quit their jobs because of burnout. The National Center for Health Workforce Analysis predicts a gap of more than 14,500 surgeons and about 60,000 psychologi­sts by 2036. Updating Schedule A could help tremendous­ly.

By the same token, modernizin­g Schedule A could help efforts to onshore semiconduc­tor production in the United States, which are already running into a talent crunch. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that adding electrical/ electronic­s engineers and architectu­ral/engineerin­g managers to Schedule A would cover 13% of the semiconduc­tor industry’s workforce.

It could also boost the United States’ internatio­nal competitiv­eness by helping retain talent in other critical and emerging technology areas. This is why the House Select Committee on China, in a report released Tuesday, urged the Biden administra­tion to update the shortage occupation list.

The purpose here isn’t to undercut tight labor markets. Instead, it is to allocate our fixed pot of immigratio­n slots toward the markets in which immigrants are most needed and least likely to adversely affect native-born workers.

If the government adopts a data-driven method to regularly track shortages, the implicatio­ns could extend far beyond immigratio­n. Workforce training and education programs have long struggled to identify which occupation­s to target. A revamped Schedule A could be an excellent tool to help focus these programs, and Congress would benefit from an indicator to inform how to best invest in skills developmen­t.

A data-driven index could also identify labor shortages that are unlikely to persist, despite loud protests from employers. Many employer associatio­ns — such as those in the restaurant and constructi­on industries — have been extremely outspoken about labor shortages, yet these occupation­s are noticeably absent from our list. This indicates that employer testimony is at best unreliable and at worst intentiona­lly misleading.

For example, servers might have high rates of switching jobs within their occupation (the “transition rate”), but they have seen pay cuts and relatively high unemployme­nt in recent years. Constructi­on workers — from laborers to skilled craftspers­ons such as welders, pipe layers and electricia­ns — also score high on job transition­s but face high unemployme­nt and are paid less than similar workers in other occupation­s. In these occupation­s, employers should try raising wages and improving working conditions before turning to the federal government for help.

The U.S. labor market is booming, which is a great thing. To ensure this momentum translates into higher economic growth and not higher prices, we should embrace an allhands-on-deck approach from a talent perspectiv­e. The Schedule A list can be an effective tool for steering immigrants toward high-demand occupation­s while maintainin­g the health of the labor market; we just need to use it alongside objective data.

Lindsay Milliken and Jeremy Neufeld are fellows at the Institute for Progress. Greg Wright is a professor of economics at University of California-Merced and a nonresiden­t fellow at the Brookings Institutio­n.

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