The Bakersfield Californian



- — J.R., Houston Send your hints to Heloise@

Dear Heloise:

I have a collection of mismatched socks.

I never throw them away because they are perfect for dusting figurines. I just spray the cleaning solution onto the sock, and I can get into small places by putting my hand inside of the sock and gently moving it around. This is a great way to keep collectabl­es dirt-free.

— Harriette N., Lima, Ohio

Dear Heloise:

About a month ago, I was trying a new recipe that called for plantains.

I figured since bananas are the same as plantains, I’d just use one of the bananas I had on hand. The recipe turned out to be a disaster. What went wrong? Aren’t plantains the same as bananas?

— Carmella W., Bozeman,


Carmella, there is a difference between bananas and plantains. First, plantains are larger than most bananas, and their skin is thicker. They also have a higher starch content than a banana. A plantain is ripe when the skin turns yellow or brown. If the skin is green, it’s not ripe yet. One of the best things about a plantain is that it can be eaten with sweet or savory dishes. It’s not unusual to cook a plantain with vegetables, and they are delicious when fried.

Bananas are best eaten with other fruit or when peeled and eaten as a snack. They are very rarely eaten in savory dishes.

— Heloise

Dear Heloise:

This past winter, I seemed to catch a cold every other week!

The worst part was having a sore throat and the disgusting throat spray I had to use to deaden the pain. In my mind, I told myself that this must be what swamp algae must taste like. Finally, I took a large tablespoon and turned it bowl-side up to cover my tongue before I sprayed my throat. This way, I covered my taste buds and still managed to deaden my throat.

— Sandra J., Newberry, South


Dear Heloise: We have two blue-eyed white cats that were born deaf.

It’s not unusual for their breed. Since they cannot hear us, we developed hand signals to keep them interested and communicat­e with them. They caught on quickly, and although we do talk to them, it’s our facial expression­s and hand signals that really speak for us. They know the sign for “pretty kitty” and usually purr when they’re paid a compliment.

— Bob And Karen, Murray, Utah

Dear Heloise:

I have always enjoyed snacking on tortilla chips and salsa.

A much healthier alternativ­e that I recently concocted is salt-free mixed nuts and salsa — put them in a bowl and eat them with a spoon. Try it!

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