The Bergen Record

Headlines from The Record, April 12, 1955


Antipolio shots effective, potent

The Salk polio vaccine is safe, effective, and potent, it was officially announced today. The vaccine was found 80 to 90 per cent effective in preventing paralytic polio in tests last year, anxious parents were told today by Dr. Thomas Francis Jr. of the University of Michigan. Dr. Jonas E. Salk of Pittsburgh immediatel­y declared he is sure the vaccine is potentiall­y almost 100 per cent effective and can bring complete triumph over polio and its lieutenant­s of terror and tragedy.

Twelve share in Breckwoldt $450,000 will

Twelve cousins, nieces, nephews and grand nephews will share $100,000 from the estate of Miss Bertha Breckwoldt who died in Dumont Feb. 19, 1954, leaving an estate now valued at between $450,000 and $500,000. Settlement of the estate, which has been in litigation since last summer, was reached yesterday after an all-day conference between 10 lawyers and was approved by Superior Court Judge John Grimshaw Jr.

Doctors giving Borrell tests

A series of tests to determine the extent of reported heart and kidney ailments is now on the program at Bergen Pines Hospital, Paramus, for suspended Cliffside Park Police Chief Frank N. Borrell. Dr. Michael Sarla, County Jail physician, examined Borrell shortly after the suspended chief surrendere­d himself to County Prosecutor Guy Calissi to begin a 9-month term for false swearing yesterday. Borrell had been convicted last June 2 of giving false testimony before a Bergen County Grand Jury. He had denied ever making an official inspection of a bookmaking office in Cliffside Park.

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