The Boston Globe



One thorn of experience is worth a wilderness of warning. Perhaps the best way to improve is to make errors and learn from them.

When West led the king of diamonds against four hearts, declarer executed a “Bath Coup” by ducking. He hoped West would lead another diamond, but East signaled with the four, and West shifted to the jack of clubs.

Declarer won, drew trumps and led a spade to his king, and West took the ace and led another club. South won, came to his ace of diamonds and led another spade, but when West took the queen, he produced a third club. Down one.

“That club shift was a thorn in my side,” South sighed.

South’s Bath Coup may have looked impressive, but it cost the contract. South gains time if he wins the first diamond, draws trumps and leads a low spade from his hand.

West takes the queen and leads a club, but South wins and leads a second spade to West’s ace. South wins the next club and discards his club loser on the jack of spades.

DAILY QUESTION You hold: ♠ J532 ♥ KQ62 ♦5 2 ♣A K 4. The dealer, at your left, opens one club. Your partner bids one spade, and the next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: You must consider two factors: your partner’s style and the vulnerabil­ity. Not vulnerable, many players overcall with light hands. But if you’re vulnerable, or if you’re playing with someone whose overcalls promise sound values, insist on game. To start, cue-bid two clubs.

 ??  ?? West dealer — Both sides vulnerable
West dealer — Both sides vulnerable

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