The Boston Globe

NYC to remove mentally ill from streets

Mayor calling for more aggressive measures to help

- By Andy Newman and Emma G. Fitzsimmon­s

NEW YORK — Acting to address “a crisis we see all around us” toward the end of a year that has seen a string of highprofil­e crimes involving homeless people, Mayor Eric Adams announced a major push Tuesday to remove people with severe, untreated mental illness from the city’s streets and subways.

Adams, who has made clearing homeless encampment­s a priority since taking office in January, said the effort would require involuntar­ily hospitaliz­ing people who were a danger to themselves, even if they posed no risk of harm to others, arguing the city had a “moral obligation” to help them.

“The common misunderst­anding persists that we cannot provide involuntar­y assistance unless the person is violent,” Adams said in an address at City Hall. “This myth must be put to rest. Going forward, we will make every effort to assist those who are suffering from mental illness and whose illness is endangerin­g them by preventing them from meeting their basic human needs.”

The mayor’s announceme­nt comes at a heated moment in the national debate about rising crime and the role of police, especially in dealing with people who are already in fragile mental health. Republican­s, as well as tough-on-crime Democrats like Adams, a former police captain, have argued that growing disorder calls for more aggressive measures. On the other side, left-leaning advocates and officials who dominate New York politics say that deploying the police as auxiliary social workers may do more harm than good.

Other large cities have struggled with how to help homeless people, in particular those dealing with mental illness. In California, Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed a law that could force some homeless people with disorders like schizophre­nia into treatment. Many states have laws that allow for involuntar­y outpatient treatment, and Washington state allows people to be committed to hospitals if a judge finds that they pose a threat to themselves or others.

Officials in New York said the city would roll out training immediatel­y to police officers, Emergency Medical Services staff, and other medical personnel to “ensure compassion­ate care.” But the city’s new directive on the policy acknowledg­es that “case law does not provide extensive guidance regarding removals for mental health evaluation­s based on short interactio­ns in the field.”

The new policy immediatel­y raised questions about who, exactly, would be swept up in it.

Existing state laws allow both the police and medical workers to authorize involuntar­y commitment of people whose behavior poses a threat of “serious harm” to themselves or others. Brendan McGuire, chief counsel to the mayor, said Tuesday that workers would assess people in public spaces on a “case by case” basis, including whether they were able to provide basic needs such as food, shelter, and health care for themselves.

The city directive states that “unawarenes­s or delusional misapprehe­nsion of surroundin­gs” or “delusional misapprehe­nsion of physical condition or health” could be grounds for hospitaliz­ation.

The effort will also involve an increase in the use of Kendra’s Law, which lets courts mandate outpatient treatment for those who are a danger to themselves or others and which was expanded by lawmakers in Albany in April.

Frequently, homeless people with severe mental illness are brought to hospitals, only to be discharged a few days later when their conditions improve slightly. Adams said the city would direct hospitals to keep those patients until they are stable and to discharge them only when there is a workable plan in place to connect them to ongoing care.

Hospitals often cite a shortage of psychiatri­c beds as the reason for dischargin­g patients, but the mayor said that the city would make sure there were enough beds for people who were removed. He noted that Governor Kathy Hochul had agreed to add 50 new psychiatri­c beds. “We are going to find a bed for everyone,” Adams said

 ?? JOHN MINCHILLO/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Mayor Eric Adams called New York City’s plan to remove those in need from the streets “a moral obligation.”
JOHN MINCHILLO/ASSOCIATED PRESS Mayor Eric Adams called New York City’s plan to remove those in need from the streets “a moral obligation.”

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