The Boston Globe

Iranian Herb Omelet (Sabzi Kuku)

Serves 4

- Sheryl Julian. Adapted from “Feast: Food of the Islamic World”

“Kuku is a more elaborate version of a Spanish omelet, made with different fillings from green beans to this amazing herb version that is served for Nowruz (Persian New Year),” writes Anissa Helou in “Feast: Food of the Islamic World.” In Iran, she continues, “sabzi” means herbs. The omelet requires a lot of prep; you have to chop a bunch of parsley, a bunch of cilantro, and three bunches of scallions. The herb mix is sold already chopped in Iran, says Helou, but in the West cooks have to make their own. Also on the ingredient list: chopped walnuts, dried barberries, and powdered fenugreek. If you can't find barberries and fenugreek, you'll still make a delicious eggy round.

Pinch of saffron threads

2 teaspoons warm water

4 walnut halves, coarsely chopped

1 teaspoon dried barberries

1 bunch fresh flat-leaf parsley, bottom stems discarded, finely chopped

1 bunch fresh cilantro, bottom stems discarded, finely chopped

3 bunches scallions, trimmed and thinly sliced

½ teaspoon powdered fenugreek leaves

8 eggs

2 teaspoons flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

Salt and pepper, to taste

2 tablespoon­s vegetable oil

1. Have on hand a deep 9-inch nonstick skillet with a cover that fits it (you can use a slightly larger pan, but not a smaller one).

2. In a small bowl, combine the saffron and warm water.

3. In a mixing bowl, combine the walnuts, barberries, parsley, cilantro, scallions, and fenugreek. Mix well.

4. In another bowl, beat the eggs well. Add the saffron water, flour, and baking powder. Mix well. Add the herb mixture with a generous pinch each of salt and pepper. Mix again thoroughly.

5. In the skillet, heat the oil over medium heat until hot. Pour in the egg mixture and shake the pan slightly from side to side to even out the mixture. Reduce the heat to low, cover the pan, and cook gently for 25 minutes, or until the omelet has risen and the top is set.

6. Invert a flat plate over the pan and invert the omelet onto it. Slide the omelet back into the pan. Cook, uncovered, for 10 to 15 minutes, or until it is well browned on the bottom and cooked through. (Total cooking time is 35 to 40 minutes.)

7. Gently transfer the omelet to a round platter and serve hot or at room temperatur­e.


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