The Boston Globe

Philanthro­pies pledge $500m for local news crisis

- By Katie Robertson

Many major philanthro­pic groups have increasing­ly focused their attention in recent years on helping struggling local newsrooms. Now they are joining forces.

On Thursday, more than 20 nonprofit organizati­ons announced plans to invest a total of $500 million over the next five years in local media organizati­ons, one of the biggest efforts yet to address the crisis in local news.

The initiative, called Press Forward, is spearheade­d by the MacArthur Foundation and supported by organizati­ons including the Knight Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the Carnegie Corporatio­n of New York.

Press Forward will use the $500 million to fund grants for existing local for-profit and nonprofit newsrooms, help build shared tools, provide resources to diverse outlets and those in historical­ly underserve­d areas, and invest in nonpartisa­n public policy developmen­t that advances access to news and informatio­n.

John Palfrey, president of the MacArthur Foundation, said Press Forward aimed to help news outlets that did not have enough revenue to sustain their business. The goal, he added, is to eventually raise and invest $1 billion for the effort.

“There’s extraordin­ary opportunit­y,” Palfrey said in an interview. Many people are focused on finding ways to improve local news coverage, he said, but “they just simply don’t have enough philanthro­pic capital to get it going, and we’re going to provide at least a down payment on that.”

The investment by Press Forward reflects the concern over the rapid shrinking and disappeara­nce of local news organizati­ons across the United States — and what that informatio­n void means for democracy. More than 20 percent of Americans now live in what are called news deserts, which are areas that have little or no independen­t news sources on local issues, or communitie­s that are on the verge of becoming one, according to a 2022 report by Northweste­rn University’s Medill School.

Some 2,500 newspapers have shut down since 2005 — and more continue to close. Declining revenue from print advertisin­g and subscripti­ons has made it nearly impossible for struggling papers to survive, and those that are still around have a small fraction of the staff they once had. Digital news outlets and nonprofit newsrooms have sprung up across the United States, but not in numbers large enough to fill the gap.

According to the Northweste­rn report, most of the new outlets serve urban centers, leaving some economical­ly struggling and rural communitie­s at a loss. Without an independen­t local news source, the report said, residents don’t have the informatio­n they need to make informed decisions about civic issues and governance, and that provides an opening for the spread of misinforma­tion and disinforma­tion.

“People are really now alarmed,” said Alberto Ibargüen, the president of the Knight Foundation. “There is a new understand­ing of the importance of informatio­n in the management of community, in the management of democracy in America, that I believe simply wasn’t there 15 years ago.”

The MacArthur Foundation and the Knight Foundation are each contributi­ng $150 million to the fund, with 20 other initial donors making up the rest. The MacArthur Foundation will set aside an additional $25 million to invest in for-profit businesses, rather than give grants, Palfrey said.

Grants from the pooled funds will be coordinate­d and managed by the Miami Foundation, a nonprofit community foundation. Most of the grants will be awarded beginning in 2024 and will focus on at least one of four areas: strengthen­ing local newsrooms, scaling news infrastruc­ture, closing inequaliti­es in coverage and practice, and advancing public policies.

Ibargüen said the advantage of Press Forward was that media organizati­ons could submit an applicatio­n for funding and have access to a range of large national foundation­s, rather than have to apply to each foundation.

“This, I hope, will be a much more efficient way of both sharing informatio­n about people seeking funding and about what models appear to be working,” he said.

Philanthro­pies have increasing­ly been putting their money toward local news. A new study conducted by NORC, a research institutio­n at the University of Chicago, in partnershi­p with Media Impact Funders and the Lenfest Institute for Journalism found that one-third of the donors surveyed had funded journalism for the first time in the past five years. More than 70 percent of the donors in the study said their top priority was funding local news.

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