The Boston Globe

How the right’s elevation of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could now backfire

Latest signs are that he’ll run in general election

- By Aaron Blake

The American right’s efforts to elevate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. were as transparen­t as they were cynical. The idea, as advanced by Stephen K. Bannon and the like, was clearly to try to embarrass President Biden in the Democratic primary. So they used Kennedy’s inflated early poll standing as an excuse to treat the primary challenge from a fringe figure as something real and threatenin­g.

Fox News picked up the ball and ran with it, publishing many dozens of stories and featuring him regularly on-air. House Republican­s even invited him to testify on Capitol Hill.

It hasn't worked. And now, it's looking as if the whole thing could backfire.

The latest indication­s are that Kennedy will end his Democratic primary challenge against Biden and instead run in the general election. Mediaite reported Friday that he will declare an independen­t bid on

Oct. 9, and Kennedy is now teasing a major announceme­nt on that date, while saying and doing the kinds of things that suggest Mediaite's report is accurate.

(Asked to comment on whether the report was true, Kennedy's campaign merely responded with a link to a video previewing his Oct. 9 announceme­nt.)

And while Kennedy is a lifelong Democrat from the country's preeminent Democratic family, there is plenty of reason to believe that a third-party bid could hurt Donald Trump more than Biden.

There is no good polling that tests a Kennedy third-party bid. What we do know is that Republican­s like Kennedy a heck of a lot more than Democrats do. That was true pretty shortly after he launched his campaign in April, and the gap has now grown into a chasm.

The latest polling from Quinnipiac University shows that Republican­s like Kennedy by a 30point margin, 48 percent favorable to 18 percent unfavorabl­e.

Democrats, meanwhile, have developed an overwhelmi­ng distaste. The Quinnipiac poll shows just 14 percent have a favorable opinion of him, compared with 57 percent who have an unfavorabl­e one.

Democrats never particular­ly liked Kennedy. But he's gone from 14 points underwater (more unfavorabl­e than favorable) with them in mid-June, to 23 points underwater in late June, to 26 points in July, to 31 points in August, and now to 43 points underwater.

As for Republican­s, they like Kennedy better than they like many of the top GOP presidenti­al candidates. They even like him better than entreprene­ur Vivek Ramaswamy and former vice president Mike Pence and about as much as former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley and Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina. (Only Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are clearly more popular.)

He's about as polarizing (with Republican­s in favor and Democrats opposed) as Ramaswamy. And he's less popular among Democrats than Haley and former New Jersey governor Chris Christie.

Imagine if any of these GOP candidates were to drop out and wage a third-party campaign; we could be talking about a potential spoiler for Trump's general-election hopes, not Biden's.

This comes with caveats.

One big one is that we don’t know what kind of ballot access Kennedy might get in key states, a hurdle for any third-party candidate. The New York Times previously reported that he had been in talks with the Libertaria­n Party, which could help with that, but running on his own would mean collecting large amounts of signatures.

Another caveat is that it matters which voters might be up for grabs in a contest between Trump and Biden. While a greater percentage of Republican­s than Democrats like Kennedy, indication­s seem to be that Kennedy’s potential base (conspirato­rial, antiestabl­ishment, antivaccin­e people) overlaps significan­tly with Trump-oriented voters. If those voters like Kennedy but already have a home, it mitigates the impact.

But even many Trump-skeptical Republican­s like him.

Kennedy has so little political appeal on the left that very few left-leaning voters see him as an option.

 ?? JORDAN GALE/NEW YORK TIMES ?? Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a candidate in the Democratic presidenti­al primary, plans a major announceme­nt on Oct. 9.
JORDAN GALE/NEW YORK TIMES Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a candidate in the Democratic presidenti­al primary, plans a major announceme­nt on Oct. 9.

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